Neck and shoulder pain can be quite debilitating and can cause a lot of loss productivity. It can be caused by a trauma or simply by poor posture. Our modern office jobs that require us to sit at a desk and type on a computer all day may be the cause of some people’s pain. Nonetheless, good posture can be attained and strengthening the muscles of the upper back and neck is key. This post will show you the various yoga poses you can do to get rid of neck and shoulder pain. Practicing yoga on a consistent basis provides numerous health and therapeutic benefits, including weight loss, improved fitness and pain management. If you have chronic shoulder and neck pain, specific yoga poses can help relieve your symptoms in a natural, non-invasive and gentle manner in the privacy and convenience of your own home. 1. Child’s Pose: The child’s pose, formally called Balasana, is one of the easier and less complicated postures to relieve neck and shoulder pain. Start by kneeling on the floor with your feet touching and your knees hip-width apart before sitting on your heels. While exhaling, slowly lower your torso towards the ground to finally settle between your thighs and knees. Lay your arms back towards your feet with your palms up, Stretch your neck forward before setting your forehead on the ground and relax your shoulders so that they pull wide across your back and towards the floor. 2. Reclining Twist Pose: Reclining Twist Pose is the Releases stress and calms the mind. Improves posture. Lie on your back with arms horizontally stretched out by your side. Bend your knees and bring your feet close to your hips. The soles of the feet are fully on the ground. Swing the knees to the left until the left knee touches the ground. Turn the head to the right and look at your right palm. Shoulder blades must touch the ground. With each exhalation, relax deeper into the pose and observe the places where the body is feeling the stretch. After a few minutes, mirror the pose on the other side. 3. Bridge Pose: If you are familiar with bridge pose than adding clasped hands as a modification may be just the thing you needed for and extra shoulder release. While lying on your back bend your knees and place your heels directly under the knees. Begin to raise your hips towards the sky as you rotate the shoulders under your body. Let your hands clasp behind your back and stretch your arms towards the feet as you continue to gently raise your chest towards your chin. Breath deeply and release the pose when needed. 4. Extended Triangle Pose: Come into standing position. Spread your legs as wide as you can. With your back straight, extend your hands side ward. Inhale and slowly bend towards the right side, with your right hand touching your ankle and your left hand directed upwards. Look at your left hand while you are in this posture. Take a few breathes, observe the body and mind settling down. Take a few breaths and gently lift your torso and come into a standing position. Now repeat the sequence on the left side of the body. 5. Cow and Cat Poses: The cow and cat poses, respectively Bitilasana and Marjaryasana, may be performed separately, but they are often performed together in continuous motion. To start with the cow pose, rest on your hands and knees with your back in the neutral flat “tabletop” position and your neck in line so that you are looking at the floor. With an inhale, lift your chest and buttocks towards the ceiling, Raise your head to look straight forward and let your belly drop. As you exhale, you can return to “tabletop” or transition immediately into the cat pose by rounding your spine towards the ceiling and dropping your head towards the floor. However, do not overextend your neck as your chin should not touch your neck. Perform these poses several times to stretch and warm your neck, shoulders and spine. 6. Reverse Warrior Pose: This is an excellent pose for the torso and neck and does a great job of opening the shoulders and chest. Bring the rear hand down to the back leg with the palm facing down. Turn the front palm facing upwards towards the sky. On an inhale, extend the front arm up towards the sky with the palm facing towards the back of the room. Keep your hips open and reach your heart upwards (towards the sky). Keep the back of your neck long and look up towards your front hand. Keep this pose for at least 30 seconds and return. 7. Cobra Pose: Start by lying on your stomach on the floor. The legs and the tops of the feet should be flat on the floor. Place your hands on the floor, even with your shoulders, And begin to straighten them as you bring the chest up, making sure that the feet, legs, And especially thighs remain flat on the floor. Once the arms are completely straightened, bring the head back slightly, keeping shoulders and arms in line. Hold this pose for 15 to 30 seconds. 8. Palm Tree Pose: The Swaying Palm Tree Pose is a gentle way to loosen up the thoracic spine. From Mountain Pose interlace your fingers and raise your arms above your head. Your palms can face the sky or ground depending upon your preference and shoulder mobility. With your arms above your head breathe deeply as you lean to one side. Lower your shoulders away from the ears and lengthen in the neck. Keep your core muscles strong during this pose to assist with stability. Original article and pictures take http://womensmap.com/articles/yoga-poses-to-release-neck-and-shoulder-pain/ site
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