суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.

Weight Training, Stretches, Lifting and Workout Excercises,

Weight Training, Stretches, Lifting and Workout Excercises,

To see instructional video on the proper stretching of specific muscle groups and body areas, follow these steps: 1. go to home page 2. bottom of page to Member Wellness 3. Video Exercises *** with Real Instructional Pictures in Motion! http://www.myfit.ca/exercisedatabase/exercise.asp *** Select a muscle group under eacharea to see the corresponding trigger points, referred pain patterns and stretches that should be performed. http://www.pressurepointer.com/pain_reference_chart.htm *** Acute Care of Sprain and Strain Injuries 1. Control Swelling With RICE Therapy Rest the sprained or strained area. Ice every 2 hours for 20 minutes. (After 48 hours, Ice for pain, heat for spasms every 2 hours for 20 minutes) Compress by wrapping an elastic (Ace) bandage around the joint or limb, or if needed, a lumbar brace or cervical collar for the spine. Elevate the extremity that is injured above the level of the heart. 2. See Your Health Care Provider Most severe strains and sprains should be evaluated by a health care provider. Consult a health care provider as soon as possible if there are symptoms of a possible broken bone: There is a "popping" sound with the injury. The person can't move the injured joint or limb. The limb buckles when the injured joint is used. There is numbness or tingling down your arm or leg. There is significant swelling, pain, fever, or open cuts. 3. Follow Up Continue RICE for 24 to 48 hours, or until the person sees a health care provider. The health care provider may want to do X-rays or an MRI to diagnose other than a simple sprain or strain to rule out a broken bone or other pathology. In severe cases, go immediatly to the emergency room or urgent care center. All physical activity to tolerance. Avoid all activities that involve prolonged sitting, standing, or walking. *** *** *** Wrist Stretches The below stretches are to be held for 10 seconds each, two-three times per day. #1 Front #2 Front #3 Front #3 Side #4 Right Side #4 Left Side #5 Inside #5 Outside *** Original article and pictures take http://adjustm.com/excercises-stretches-care-of-sprain-strains.html site

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