Sciatica, also called sciatic neuritis, is used to describe symptoms of pain, tingling, numbness and weakness that can radiate from the lower back all the way down to the foot. These symptoms result from the compression or irritation of one of 5 nerve roots in the spine (sacral nerves S1, S2, or S3 or lumbar nerves L4 or L5) that connect and form the 2 sciatic nerves, or pinching or irritation of the sciatic nerve itself. The sciatic nerve is the longest and thickest nerve in the body, and originates in the lumbar spine. It then runs down through the buttock area and continues along the back of the leg and branches off to the tibial and common fibular (peroneal) nerves down to the foot. In most cases, when a sciatic nerve is compressed only one side is affected with pain, although the pain may alternate from one side to the other. Occasionally, the pain is felt on both sides of the lower back and legs. Although sciatica pain can be debilitating, most people who suffer from sciatica can find pain relief with non-surgical treatments such as cold compression, ultrasound therapy and BFST®. It is a condition that usually gets better with time and rest. Treating the cause of the nerve compression is important to prevent sciatica pain from returning. Causes of Sciatica Sciatica symptoms are caused by the sciatica nerve being compressed. This compression can occur for a number of reasons in various locations and treatment will depend on the cause. A herniated or slipped disc in the lumbar or sacral spine Strain, inflammation, and swelling of the piriformis muscle (piriformis syndrome) Pregnancy Poor posture Short leg syndrome Wearing high heels Overcompensating for other injuries in the knee (ACL injury), lower leg (shin splints), ankle (sprain) or hip (bursitis) Damage to the vertebrae in the lumbar or sacral spine Disc degeneration in the lumbar or sacral spine Tumor in the spine A sharp blow or injury to the lower back or buttock area causing injury to the pelvis Autoimmune disorders Symptoms of Sciatica Pain, tingling or numbness that radiates through the lower back, buttocks, and down the back of the leg possibly as far as the foot Pain starts slowly and worsens after standing, sitting, bending backward, walking or sleeping at night Difficulty walking, bending and or sitting Muscle weakness in the hip and/or leg Treatment Compression of the sciatic nerve can occur in various locations and the exact cause and location is not always known. Treating the symptoms can be helpful to manage the pain but treating the source of the compression will result in faster sciatica relief. We recommend that you see your doctor for a proper diagnosis and to determine the cause of the compression on the sciatic nerve. Inferno Wrap® Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy Blood flow stimulation therapy, or BFST®, should be used over your lumbar region and lower back to improve blood flow and nourish soft tissue. Your body needs a fresh supply of blood to improve the health of your tissue and treat the muscle strain or irritation to relieve the compression of your sciatic nerve. Unfortunately, when you are suffering from sciatica it can be painful to even walk or lift your leg. When you limit movement in your hip the blood flow is reduced, starving your tissue of the necessary oxygen and nutrients. The trick is to find a way to increase blood flow without causing pain and/or further inflaming the muscle or discs. This is where blood flow stimulation therapy, or BFST®, becomes a powerful tool. BFST® compliments your body's natural healing process By promoting blood flow while you give your sciatic nerve the rest it needs. The Back/Hip Inferno Wrap® uses a patented process to generate the same energy that is part of the sun's spectrum of light, the same energy that is necessary to all living things for optimum health. The energy emitted from the Energy Web® stimulates blood flow to your lower back and hip, more than your body would ever be able to generate on it's own, giving your body the boost it needs to keep your spine and lower back muscles as healthy as possible and reduce the risk of irritation, inflammation and herniation. The soothing energy reaches deep into your body to whisk away the toxins and dead cells, and rejuvenate your muscle tissues for improved elasticity. Freezie Wrap® Cold Therapy If you are experiencing referred pain above the knee or in your lower leg caused by the compression of your sciatic nerve, cold compression therapy can provide some relief. The cooling sensation along with the compression can help to numb the nerves to help alleviate the pain. However, treatment of the location of the compression is most important to treat the source of this referred pain. Applying cold compression wherever you are experiencing pain will help. The Back/Hip Freezie Wrap® is versatile and can be used to treat your lower back, hip or leg. It's unique supercharged cooling gel pack, chills in the fridge, not in the freezer like ice or other freezer packs, giving you deep cold therapy without the risk of 'cold burns' or cryoburn. Treat your sciatica pain with cold compression therapy as needed throughout the day. The Back/Hip Freezie Wrap® can be used to apply cold in a safe, convenient and effective way - and the gel pack is reusable. Would you like to discuss your Sciatica or other conditions with an Advisor from MendMyHip? We welcome you to call our office, toll free, at 1-866-237-9608 on weekdays between 8:00am and 9:00pm Eastern Standard Time or weekends between 11:00am and 6:00pm. There is no cost or obligation for this service and we will do our best to help provide you with the information you need. Our extensive and on-going research could be of great benefit in helping you overcome your hip pain once and for all. Living with sciatica pain is never easy and we can provide answers about causes of the pain, treatment options, potential stretches/ exercise to consider, and ways to manage the condition for the short & long term. Best of all, we can show you what worked for hundreds of our previous clients. All it takes is one phone call ~ 1-866-237-9608 With these 3 easy-to-use, pain-free, home therapies from MendMyHip, pain is significantly reduced, tissue heals faster, and there's an incredible improvement in the range of motion of your hip. The more diligent you are with your treatment and rehabilitation, the faster you will see successful results! We've helped thousands of people treat their painful injuries and conditions to get them back on the road to a pain-free life! Our customers have tried other common hip treatments, such as cortisone injections, pain killers, physical therapy, NSAIDs, and simply staying off their feet to give their hip the rest it needs, all without lasting results - until they found our incredible therapies! In addition, our customers include physicians, professional athletes, sports trainers and coaches, physical therapists, and nurses. These professionals rely on products from MendMyHip to treat their patients, players, and themselves. Click here to read more about their experience with MendMyHip! Please be aware that this information is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. CALL YOUR HEALTHCARE PROVIDER IMMEDIATELY IF YOU THINK YOU MAY HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider before using any of our outstanding products to make sure they're right for you and your condition or if you have any questions regarding a medical condition. It is recommended that you see your doctor for a proper diagnosis as there are many injuries and conditions that could be the cause of your pain. Original article and pictures take site
суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.
Treating Sciatica Pain
Treating Sciatica Pain
Sciatica, also called sciatic neuritis, is used to describe symptoms of pain, tingling, numbness and weakness that can radiate from the lower back all the way down to the foot. These symptoms result from the compression or irritation of one of 5 nerve roots in the spine (sacral nerves S1, S2, or S3 or lumbar nerves L4 or L5) that connect and form the 2 sciatic nerves, or pinching or irritation of the sciatic nerve itself. The sciatic nerve is the longest and thickest nerve in the body, and originates in the lumbar spine. It then runs down through the buttock area and continues along the back of the leg and branches off to the tibial and common fibular (peroneal) nerves down to the foot. In most cases, when a sciatic nerve is compressed only one side is affected with pain, although the pain may alternate from one side to the other. Occasionally, the pain is felt on both sides of the lower back and legs. Although sciatica pain can be debilitating, most people who suffer from sciatica can find pain relief with non-surgical treatments such as cold compression, ultrasound therapy and BFST®. It is a condition that usually gets better with time and rest. Treating the cause of the nerve compression is important to prevent sciatica pain from returning. Causes of Sciatica Sciatica symptoms are caused by the sciatica nerve being compressed. This compression can occur for a number of reasons in various locations and treatment will depend on the cause. A herniated or slipped disc in the lumbar or sacral spine Strain, inflammation, and swelling of the piriformis muscle (piriformis syndrome) Pregnancy Poor posture Short leg syndrome Wearing high heels Overcompensating for other injuries in the knee (ACL injury), lower leg (shin splints), ankle (sprain) or hip (bursitis) Damage to the vertebrae in the lumbar or sacral spine Disc degeneration in the lumbar or sacral spine Tumor in the spine A sharp blow or injury to the lower back or buttock area causing injury to the pelvis Autoimmune disorders Symptoms of Sciatica Pain, tingling or numbness that radiates through the lower back, buttocks, and down the back of the leg possibly as far as the foot Pain starts slowly and worsens after standing, sitting, bending backward, walking or sleeping at night Difficulty walking, bending and or sitting Muscle weakness in the hip and/or leg Treatment Compression of the sciatic nerve can occur in various locations and the exact cause and location is not always known. Treating the symptoms can be helpful to manage the pain but treating the source of the compression will result in faster sciatica relief. We recommend that you see your doctor for a proper diagnosis and to determine the cause of the compression on the sciatic nerve. Inferno Wrap® Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy Blood flow stimulation therapy, or BFST®, should be used over your lumbar region and lower back to improve blood flow and nourish soft tissue. Your body needs a fresh supply of blood to improve the health of your tissue and treat the muscle strain or irritation to relieve the compression of your sciatic nerve. Unfortunately, when you are suffering from sciatica it can be painful to even walk or lift your leg. When you limit movement in your hip the blood flow is reduced, starving your tissue of the necessary oxygen and nutrients. The trick is to find a way to increase blood flow without causing pain and/or further inflaming the muscle or discs. This is where blood flow stimulation therapy, or BFST®, becomes a powerful tool. BFST® compliments your body's natural healing process By promoting blood flow while you give your sciatic nerve the rest it needs. The Back/Hip Inferno Wrap® uses a patented process to generate the same energy that is part of the sun's spectrum of light, the same energy that is necessary to all living things for optimum health. The energy emitted from the Energy Web® stimulates blood flow to your lower back and hip, more than your body would ever be able to generate on it's own, giving your body the boost it needs to keep your spine and lower back muscles as healthy as possible and reduce the risk of irritation, inflammation and herniation. The soothing energy reaches deep into your body to whisk away the toxins and dead cells, and rejuvenate your muscle tissues for improved elasticity. Freezie Wrap® Cold Therapy If you are experiencing referred pain above the knee or in your lower leg caused by the compression of your sciatic nerve, cold compression therapy can provide some relief. The cooling sensation along with the compression can help to numb the nerves to help alleviate the pain. However, treatment of the location of the compression is most important to treat the source of this referred pain. Applying cold compression wherever you are experiencing pain will help. The Back/Hip Freezie Wrap® is versatile and can be used to treat your lower back, hip or leg. It's unique supercharged cooling gel pack, chills in the fridge, not in the freezer like ice or other freezer packs, giving you deep cold therapy without the risk of 'cold burns' or cryoburn. Treat your sciatica pain with cold compression therapy as needed throughout the day. The Back/Hip Freezie Wrap® can be used to apply cold in a safe, convenient and effective way - and the gel pack is reusable. Would you like to discuss your Sciatica or other conditions with an Advisor from MendMyHip? We welcome you to call our office, toll free, at 1-866-237-9608 on weekdays between 8:00am and 9:00pm Eastern Standard Time or weekends between 11:00am and 6:00pm. There is no cost or obligation for this service and we will do our best to help provide you with the information you need. Our extensive and on-going research could be of great benefit in helping you overcome your hip pain once and for all. Living with sciatica pain is never easy and we can provide answers about causes of the pain, treatment options, potential stretches/ exercise to consider, and ways to manage the condition for the short & long term. Best of all, we can show you what worked for hundreds of our previous clients. All it takes is one phone call ~ 1-866-237-9608 With these 3 easy-to-use, pain-free, home therapies from MendMyHip, pain is significantly reduced, tissue heals faster, and there's an incredible improvement in the range of motion of your hip. The more diligent you are with your treatment and rehabilitation, the faster you will see successful results! We've helped thousands of people treat their painful injuries and conditions to get them back on the road to a pain-free life! Our customers have tried other common hip treatments, such as cortisone injections, pain killers, physical therapy, NSAIDs, and simply staying off their feet to give their hip the rest it needs, all without lasting results - until they found our incredible therapies! In addition, our customers include physicians, professional athletes, sports trainers and coaches, physical therapists, and nurses. These professionals rely on products from MendMyHip to treat their patients, players, and themselves. Click here to read more about their experience with MendMyHip! Please be aware that this information is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. CALL YOUR HEALTHCARE PROVIDER IMMEDIATELY IF YOU THINK YOU MAY HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider before using any of our outstanding products to make sure they're right for you and your condition or if you have any questions regarding a medical condition. It is recommended that you see your doctor for a proper diagnosis as there are many injuries and conditions that could be the cause of your pain. Original article and pictures take site
Sciatica, also called sciatic neuritis, is used to describe symptoms of pain, tingling, numbness and weakness that can radiate from the lower back all the way down to the foot. These symptoms result from the compression or irritation of one of 5 nerve roots in the spine (sacral nerves S1, S2, or S3 or lumbar nerves L4 or L5) that connect and form the 2 sciatic nerves, or pinching or irritation of the sciatic nerve itself. The sciatic nerve is the longest and thickest nerve in the body, and originates in the lumbar spine. It then runs down through the buttock area and continues along the back of the leg and branches off to the tibial and common fibular (peroneal) nerves down to the foot. In most cases, when a sciatic nerve is compressed only one side is affected with pain, although the pain may alternate from one side to the other. Occasionally, the pain is felt on both sides of the lower back and legs. Although sciatica pain can be debilitating, most people who suffer from sciatica can find pain relief with non-surgical treatments such as cold compression, ultrasound therapy and BFST®. It is a condition that usually gets better with time and rest. Treating the cause of the nerve compression is important to prevent sciatica pain from returning. Causes of Sciatica Sciatica symptoms are caused by the sciatica nerve being compressed. This compression can occur for a number of reasons in various locations and treatment will depend on the cause. A herniated or slipped disc in the lumbar or sacral spine Strain, inflammation, and swelling of the piriformis muscle (piriformis syndrome) Pregnancy Poor posture Short leg syndrome Wearing high heels Overcompensating for other injuries in the knee (ACL injury), lower leg (shin splints), ankle (sprain) or hip (bursitis) Damage to the vertebrae in the lumbar or sacral spine Disc degeneration in the lumbar or sacral spine Tumor in the spine A sharp blow or injury to the lower back or buttock area causing injury to the pelvis Autoimmune disorders Symptoms of Sciatica Pain, tingling or numbness that radiates through the lower back, buttocks, and down the back of the leg possibly as far as the foot Pain starts slowly and worsens after standing, sitting, bending backward, walking or sleeping at night Difficulty walking, bending and or sitting Muscle weakness in the hip and/or leg Treatment Compression of the sciatic nerve can occur in various locations and the exact cause and location is not always known. Treating the symptoms can be helpful to manage the pain but treating the source of the compression will result in faster sciatica relief. We recommend that you see your doctor for a proper diagnosis and to determine the cause of the compression on the sciatic nerve. Inferno Wrap® Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy Blood flow stimulation therapy, or BFST®, should be used over your lumbar region and lower back to improve blood flow and nourish soft tissue. Your body needs a fresh supply of blood to improve the health of your tissue and treat the muscle strain or irritation to relieve the compression of your sciatic nerve. Unfortunately, when you are suffering from sciatica it can be painful to even walk or lift your leg. When you limit movement in your hip the blood flow is reduced, starving your tissue of the necessary oxygen and nutrients. The trick is to find a way to increase blood flow without causing pain and/or further inflaming the muscle or discs. This is where blood flow stimulation therapy, or BFST®, becomes a powerful tool. BFST® compliments your body's natural healing process By promoting blood flow while you give your sciatic nerve the rest it needs. The Back/Hip Inferno Wrap® uses a patented process to generate the same energy that is part of the sun's spectrum of light, the same energy that is necessary to all living things for optimum health. The energy emitted from the Energy Web® stimulates blood flow to your lower back and hip, more than your body would ever be able to generate on it's own, giving your body the boost it needs to keep your spine and lower back muscles as healthy as possible and reduce the risk of irritation, inflammation and herniation. The soothing energy reaches deep into your body to whisk away the toxins and dead cells, and rejuvenate your muscle tissues for improved elasticity. Freezie Wrap® Cold Therapy If you are experiencing referred pain above the knee or in your lower leg caused by the compression of your sciatic nerve, cold compression therapy can provide some relief. The cooling sensation along with the compression can help to numb the nerves to help alleviate the pain. However, treatment of the location of the compression is most important to treat the source of this referred pain. Applying cold compression wherever you are experiencing pain will help. The Back/Hip Freezie Wrap® is versatile and can be used to treat your lower back, hip or leg. It's unique supercharged cooling gel pack, chills in the fridge, not in the freezer like ice or other freezer packs, giving you deep cold therapy without the risk of 'cold burns' or cryoburn. Treat your sciatica pain with cold compression therapy as needed throughout the day. The Back/Hip Freezie Wrap® can be used to apply cold in a safe, convenient and effective way - and the gel pack is reusable. Would you like to discuss your Sciatica or other conditions with an Advisor from MendMyHip? We welcome you to call our office, toll free, at 1-866-237-9608 on weekdays between 8:00am and 9:00pm Eastern Standard Time or weekends between 11:00am and 6:00pm. There is no cost or obligation for this service and we will do our best to help provide you with the information you need. Our extensive and on-going research could be of great benefit in helping you overcome your hip pain once and for all. Living with sciatica pain is never easy and we can provide answers about causes of the pain, treatment options, potential stretches/ exercise to consider, and ways to manage the condition for the short & long term. Best of all, we can show you what worked for hundreds of our previous clients. All it takes is one phone call ~ 1-866-237-9608 With these 3 easy-to-use, pain-free, home therapies from MendMyHip, pain is significantly reduced, tissue heals faster, and there's an incredible improvement in the range of motion of your hip. The more diligent you are with your treatment and rehabilitation, the faster you will see successful results! We've helped thousands of people treat their painful injuries and conditions to get them back on the road to a pain-free life! Our customers have tried other common hip treatments, such as cortisone injections, pain killers, physical therapy, NSAIDs, and simply staying off their feet to give their hip the rest it needs, all without lasting results - until they found our incredible therapies! In addition, our customers include physicians, professional athletes, sports trainers and coaches, physical therapists, and nurses. These professionals rely on products from MendMyHip to treat their patients, players, and themselves. Click here to read more about their experience with MendMyHip! Please be aware that this information is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. CALL YOUR HEALTHCARE PROVIDER IMMEDIATELY IF YOU THINK YOU MAY HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider before using any of our outstanding products to make sure they're right for you and your condition or if you have any questions regarding a medical condition. It is recommended that you see your doctor for a proper diagnosis as there are many injuries and conditions that could be the cause of your pain. Original article and pictures take site
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