Sprained ankle treatment: How to get a stronger ankle, recover quicker and get back out there faster and better than ever! Following on from the level 1 ankle sprains post about what to do in the first 72 hours, here we will cover a comprehensive rehab regime that will help you recover in weeks, not months. Sprained ankle treatment needs to include: Range of motion exercises Proprioception exercises strengthening exercises And most importantly these need to be gradually progressed so that your body is challenged just enough! Your body adapts to the forces that go through it, so if you challenge that ankle sprain (or any other part of your body) it will adapt and be better for it! Proprioception Retraining: Proprioception is the ability for you brain to know where you body is in space. If this is decreased, you have poor balance and increased chance of re-injury. Sprained ankles are the worst injury in the body for impaired proprioception and needs to be addressed. If you aren’t sure what proprioception is – extend one arm out to the side, close your eyes and mirror it exactly with the other arm – you could do this with your eyes closed because of your proprioception. 1. Single leg standing (SLS): Begin by standing on one leg on a solid surface (you can put one finger on the wall for balance if you need to start with) and aim for 1 minute. When you can do this comfortably for 60 seconds, step it up by: SLS on a folded up towel. A Folded towel is great to use as you can easy progress this by doubling it up again and again and then finally rolling it up to make it much harder. Progressing each time when you can easily do it for 60 seconds. NOTE: Have a bench in front or to the side to grab onto if need be – but only if you have to! You can also use Wobble boards, Bosu balls and balance boards when towels become too easy (or boring!) Restoring Full range of Motion: 2. Calf Stretch within a pain-free range – The best way to do this is by dropping your heel of a step and holding for 1 minute as shown in the picture to the right. 3. Lunge Stretches and accessory glides – See this video for great mobilization techniques. Remember not to push into too much pain! Strengthening: 4. Heel Raises (calf raises) – Begin using both feet and progress to one foot as pain and strength allows. Perform 30 with one finger against a wall for balance. 5. Single Leg Squat: As soon as you can, begin doing these to maintain and increase the strength in your entire lower limb! do 2 x 12 on each side and begin by only bending a small distance – Give it a go! 6. Ankle Eversion Training – See this video on how to do this important exercise with a Theraband or similar elastic band. Stick to this Rehab program for the full 6 weeks for best results and make sure to keep challenging and progressing yourself! For more rehab exercises and tips and to really fine tune your ankle, check out the Level 3 ankle rehabilitation. Research based and very easy, with great results. Let me know how you get on with your sprained ankle treatment and please Like and Share! Original article and pictures take http://www.physioprescription.com/2013/09/30/sprained-ankle-treatment-rehab-exercises/ site
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