A flabby belly is not only unsightly, it is also unhealthy. Women who store fat in their abdomen are at a greater risk of developing chronic diseases and some cancers. Losing weight through a healthy, portion-controlled diet and exercise can help you reduce the flab on your belly and improve your health. The best way to reduce your flabby belly fat is to do plenty of cardio exercise. Exercise of low to moderate intensity is the best way you can reduce and tone your stomach muscles and reduce its flabbiness. Burning calories by walking, cycling, running and jogging not only helps in reducing flabby stomach but it also increases your strength and lung capacity. 1. Crunches: How To Do: Lie on your back on the smooth surface on the floor. Use a mat for this purpose. Bend your knees. You can keep your feet on the ground or can be suspended in the air. Place your hands behind your head. Curl your back and lift your shoulders towards the ceiling. Exhale as you go up. Inhale the air as you ease your back down. Relax before doing another crunch. 2. Reverse Curl with Ball: How To Do: Lie on your back with your arms by your sides. Rest your heels and calves about knee-width apart on the ball. Tense your abs and, holding the ball between your heels and thighs, raise it off the floor. Slowly, return to starting position. 3. Bicycle Exercise: How To Do: Lie on the mat or on the floor and keep your hands either behind your head or by your side as you do in crunches. Lift both the legs off the ground and then bend them at the knees. Bring the right knee close to the chest, keeping the left leg out. Then take the right leg out and bring the left leg close to the chest. Alternate bending the knees as if you are using a bicycle. 4. Exercise Ball Crunch: How To Do: Lie on the ball so your lower back is supported and feet are firmly planted on the ground. Place hands across chest or behind the head. Contract abs and lift your torso up and forward. Lower back down Keep the ball stable during each crunch. Exhale when you crunch; inhale when you lower back down. Do 1-3 sets with 12-16 repetitions. 5. Burpees: How To Do: Start by crouching on your toes with your palms on the ground. In one swift motion, extend both your legs at the same time so that all of your weight is on your palms and toes while your body is entirely straight. Then quickly hop back up to the starting position and stand up straight with your hands in the air. Repeat at least five times more. If you are interested in exercising more muscles at once, You can also include a quick push up between the plank position and returning to the crouching position. 6. Captain’s Chair: How to Do: Everything you need to do this exercise is a chair. Sit on the chair with your spine straight and shoulders loose. Keep both hands beside you with your palms by the side of your hips, confronting descending. Inhale deeply. As you exhale, bring both your legs upwards such that your knees are close to your chest. Hold for a few second. Don’t bend ahead and curve your back. Bring down your leg slowly and repeat once more. 7. Alternating Toe Touches: How to Do: Lie on your back with your back pressed against the floor. Elevate one leg up in the air while slowly lifting your torso off the ground. U Using the opposite arm, reach over and try to touch your toe. Remember to exhale while perform this part of the exercise. Slowly begin to lower your torso and arms back down to the starting position while inhaling. Repeat the movement on the other side. Repeat the movement. Try for three sets of 30 reps on each side. 8. Swiss Ball Rollouts: How to Do: Take a plank and make it even better. There are many variations of swiss ball roll out but the basic exercise begins with your hands on the swiss ball. Hold the plank position then slightly roll the ball forward. Hold the position for 3 seconds and then roll back to your starting position. The see-saw back and forth movement that you do with control and stability is a fantastic core exercise because it puts a great deal of stress on the abs, obliques and lower back muscles. Original article and pictures take http://womensmap.com/articles/exercises-to-reduce-saggy-belly/ site
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