Exercise details Target muscles: Wrist flexors Synergists: None Mechanics: Isolation Force: Pull Starting position Holding a dumbbell in each hand, sit on a bench or chair. Rest the backs of your forearms on your thighs, with your wrists extending off your knees. Your palms should be facing upward. Open your hands a little and allow the dumbbells to roll toward your fingers. Execution Exhale as you slowly close your hands and curl the dumbbells upward by flexing your wrists. Hold for a count of two. Inhale as you lower the dumbbells to the starting position and open your hands a little to allow the dumbbells to once again roll towards your fingers. Repeat. Comments and tips Keep your back straight. Keep your wrists and elbows at approximately the same height. This will ensure that you experience resistance throughout the full range of motion. Instead of placing your forearms on your knees, you can place them on a flat bench so that your wrists extend off the side. See the second video. Use the seated dumbbell wrist curl to build your forearms and improve your grip strength. Note, however, that heavy wrist curling exercises can have a high injury risk because your wrists aren’t designed to curl heavy weights. Therefore, I always recommend the farmer’s walk, hand grippers, and static pull-up bar holds for building forearms and improving grip strength. Because they wear out your grip strength, use forearm exercises such as the seated dumbbell wrist curl at the end of your workouts. Videos Seated dumbbell wrist curl Dumbbell wrist curl on a bench Sources Original article and pictures take http://weighttraining.guide/exercises/seated-dumbbell-wrist-curl/ site
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