If you find that your right hip regularly hurts while you run, this could signal the onset of an overuse injury. Runners are often prone to joint injuries as a result of running on hard surfaces like asphalt, or from overtraining. Pain in the right hip while running could indicate a labral tear in the right hip socket, snapping hip syndrome or hip bursitis. Speak to your doctor if the pain becomes excruciating and if you experience loss of function in the hip. A labral tear occurs when the cartilaginous lining of the hip socket becomes abraded due to repetitive stress or trauma. Other than pain the symptoms of a labral tear include stiffness, reduced range of motion in the hip and locking of the hip joint. Labral tears are serious injuries and typically require surgery. Snapping Hip Syndrome Snapping hip syndrome occurs when the muscles of the hip come into contact with the thigh bone or the pelvis. Snapping hip can occur externally or internally in runners; the former usually involves the glutes, while the latter involves the hip flexors. If the hip flexors are affected then this condition tends to cause significant pain, as well as an audible snapping or clicking sound while running. See your doctor if these symptoms apply. Trochanteric bursitis is a common chronic injury that afflicts the hip. The trochanteric bursa is a fluid filled sac that sits between the greater trochanter at the top of the thigh bone and the muscles of your hip. Repetitive activities such as running can cause inflammation in the trochaneric bursa, and often tight hip muscles can exacerbate trochanteric bursitis. This condition responds well to ice and heat therapy. Take a rest from running until the pain has abated completely. Once your right hip has recovered, a few preventative measures may help runners avoid hip injuries from recurring. Runners will benefit from an adequate warmup and cooldown before and after runs. You should also replace your running shoes every 350 to 500 miles. Increase your mileage by a maximum of 10 per cent per week, and decrease your mileage every third week to allow your body time to recover before you add more miles to your training runs. Original article and pictures take http://www.livestrong.com/article/432258-pain-in-the-right-leg-hip-joint-when-running/ site
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