These two kiddos exceeded our expectations… that is for sure! Yesterday Andrew wanted to try the Y Trail (it takes you to the big Y on the mountain for BYU) with the kids. We thought we would get to the first switchback or so and they would be ready to turn around. Those four little legs made it all of the way to the Y! To get to the bottom of the Y (what we did) you go for a mile and climb about 930 ft! We took water breaks whenever they wanted and let them decide the pace but they made it. I couldn’t believe it. Talk about doing hard things… they inspired me (yes, my calves are going to be sore today). Looks like we’ve got a summer of hiking with them and I cannot wait. I seriously think nature is the best medicine… before we went outside I was stressed about a few random things and after this hike I felt like a whole new person:) Definitely a reason I think we all love running so much, it gives us that reason to get outside more often! Suckers afterwards for our proud hikers! We were all ready for bed last night after that hike (well, Andrew and I were… for some reason these kids had MORE energy than ever after that hike and we didn’t see that coming). THIS MADE MY YEAR. My brother sent this picture to me from his flight yesterday! Nicole has been reading this blog over the years, recognized my brother and said hi to him:) I was jealous I wasn’t there to meet Nicole too. It meant a whole lot to me! This is my favorite part about blogging, connecting with so many amazing people. I passed my coaching test:) WAHOO… now just need to do my first aid and CPR and then I am good to go. I was looking through some things last night and came across these nutrient deficiencies! Ever had any type of nutrient deficiency? Ever felt like you haven’t gotten enough of something? Would love to hear about how you helped the deficiency! ———————————————————————– I’ve got five new moves that I’m adding to my routine after a run a few days a week to help strengthen my hips a bit. Isn’t it crazy how HARD it is to get yourself to add in a few minutes a day for injury prevention but running an extra mile feels more like a reward. It definitely takes some motivation to get in the injury prevention stuff but it is so so so worth it! 1. One-legged deadlift! (Good for SO many different muscle groups and I include it in my hip work) 15 on each leg. Start standing and then bend forward AT YOUR HIPS (not back.. that is always really hard for me). I let the weights get close to the ground before returning back to starting position! This can be done without weights, with one weight or with two weights! 2. Donkey Kicks! 15-20 on each leg! While on all fours, lift one leg at a time and keep the knee bent. Kick upwards and keep the bottom of your shoe facing the ceiling! Return to the starting position and repeat 15-20 times (or whatever works best for you) before switching to the other leg. 3. Clamshell! 15-20 on each side! You can do this with an exercise band around your legs just a few inches above the knees but I am doing them without the band until I build up some more strength. Start with your legs together (knees touching and toes touching) and both knees bent, bring up the top knee while keeping the toes together and your back in the same position that you started! Return your knee back down to touch the knee on the ground and repeat! 4. Fire Hydrants! 15-20 on each leg. Kind of awkward but we as runners are kind of awkward so whatever. Start on all four and then keep your knee bent and raise your leg out toward the side! Raise it as high as you can (working on this for sure:). Try to only move your leg and to keep your body square! 5. Leg Raises! I am doing 45-60 seconds of these on each side! Start with your legs stacked on top of each other and lift the top leg up to about a 45 degree angle before bringing it back down to your starting position! There ya have it! Join along with me on this and let’s get strong hips:) ——————————————————————————— Ever had some sort of nutrient deficiency? Do you pay attention to what you are taking in each day to avoid any type of deficiency? How have you, someone in your family, someone in your life exceeded your expectations? Who was the last new person that you met (I’m just pretending I got to meet Nicole:)… where’d you meet? What is the highlight of your Thursday going to be? Original article and pictures take https://hungryrunnergirl.com/2017/05/our-kids-amazed-us-five-ways-i-am-strengthening-my-hips-deficiencies.html site
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