A nice backside is always in style. Butts, booties, and buns have been the center of attention in songs, fashion, and workouts for decades. And just when you think your tush can’t handle a million more squats, I’m bringing a new and fresh butt lifting routine that doesn’t involve a single squat. Yep, a no squats butt lifting workout. The key to getting the most out of this workout is really squeezing your bottom with every upwards and outwards lifting motion. I’ll explain more below. Butt Lifting Exercise #1 Start lying flat on your back, hands behind your head, and elbows out. Lift your hips up and extend your right leg towards the sky, pointing your toe. Keep your hips where they are and lower your right leg towards the ground, keeping your leg straight the entire time. Raise your leg back up to the sky and repeat this motion for 12 repetitions on he right leg, then 12 repetitions on the left. Butt Lifting Exercise #2 Keep your hips slightly off the ground and cross your left leg so your left ankle rests on your right knee. Lift your hips as high as you can and squeeze your tush. Do 12 repetitions with your left leg up, then 12 with your right, never letting your butt touch the ground. Butt Lifting Exercise #3 Bring your feet together, heels touching and toes pointed outwards. Lift your heels to roll up on the balls of your feet, all while keeping your hips up and heels cinched together. Next, press your knees out to the side then back in, squeezing your tush every time you pulse outwards. Your knees should only be able to move an inch or two outwards and you should feel this move in the outer corner of your butt. Do 24 repetitions. Butt Lifting Exercise #4 Separate your feet shoulder-width apart and stay on the balls of your feet, hips still slightly off the ground. Lift your hips as high as you can, squeezing your tush as you reach your highest point. Then lower your hips and repeat 12 times. Repeat this entire circuit four times. If you need a break between circuits, bend your knees and bring your legs into your chest (hugging your knees), and gently roll from side to side. Original article and pictures take http://snip.ly/g8qir site
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