Lower back pain is a global condition suffered by millions of people at some point in time in their lives. The lower back begins below the ribcage and is known as the lumbar region. Pain in this area can severely affect the quality of your life. Fortunately, the pain gets better on its own. When it doesn’t get better even after a couple of weeks, there are effective treatments for the condition. The symptoms of the condition can range from dull aches to stabbing sensations in the area. Injuries from heavy lifting or sports can result in acute pain in the area. You might find it hard stand or move with such a pain. Most of the time, the pain recedes within 72 hours. But if it doesn’t subside within two to three days, you have to consult a qualified healthcare professional. In fact, lower back pain that lasts for more than three months is considered chronic. There can be many other warning signs of the condition. Some of them include leg weakness, pain when urinating or coughing, and loss of bowel or bladder control. If you suffer from any of these symptoms along with a back pain, you should immediately consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatments. Bad posture is one of the major causes of this condition. Your back supports your weight when you are not slouching. That’s why it is important to stand up straight at all times. You should sit with good lumbar support for the lower back area. Also, your weight should be evenly balanced on both feet when standing. A herniated spine disc can also result in back pain. The gel-like discs that cushion the spine’s vertebrae are prone to wear and tear due to injury or aging. A weakened disc can rupture easily, putting pressure on the nerve roots. This condition can result in intense pain in the lower back region. Your doctor is the best person to diagnose and treat the condition. You should be specific with the symptoms when describing the condition to your health care provider. If not, your doctor may perform an X-ray, CT or MRI scan before diagnosing and treating the condition. Heating pads and warm baths are some of the most effective natural treatments for the pain. Too much bed rest can worsen the situation as per the latest research in the industry. If the problem is a muscle strain, you should immediately return to your day to day activities. Yoga is an effective remedy for prolonged back pains. If the pain doesn’t resolve in three months, yoga can help. Patients who took a 12-week yoga class had fewer symptoms compared to patients who followed traditional treatment methods. Spinal manipulations or chiropractic treatments are also very effective in treating the condition. Back pain affects millions of people around the world. Pain in the back can severely affect the quality of one’s life. That’s why it is important to see a qualified health care provider to diagnose and treat the condition without delay. Original article and pictures take http://trybackpainhelp.com/lower-back-pain-treatments/ site
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