Here's a video I put together covering a Myofascial Release technique of a hip flexor to help with lower back pain. Giving the lower back relief is a complex process of understanding how the body works as a global structure, however it is important to start at an isolated point before where the root of disfunction begins before address the body as a whole. There are few places better to start for lower back pain than the hip flexor complex. THE POWER OF POSTURE- http://www.functionalpatterns.com/pro... Human Foundations- http://www.functionalpatterns.com/pro... Facebook Page- https://www.facebook.com/pages/Functi... Official Website- http://www.functionalpatterns.com © 2014 by Functional Patterns. All rights reserved Original article and pictures take http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRQ2q3Rw2HE&list=PLC1A4B98F14838225&index=12 site
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