суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.

Keeping ‘Abreast’ Of The Situation…{What Breast Pain Could Mean With Fibromyalgia}

Keeping ‘Abreast’ Of The Situation…{What Breast Pain Could Mean With Fibromyalgia}
Keeping 'Abreast' Of The Situation...{What Breast Pain Could Mean With Fibromyalgia} ~ A Life Well Red

If you think about it, we really are conditioned as women to panic at the slightest problem with our ‘chest area’. Now, do not get me wrong, I know the statistics and understand the reasons for vigilance. The major ‘freak out’ however, isn’t always called for. Every twinge and ache doesn’t necessarily mean cancer. Especially with FMS. Recently I have been getting sharp pains in my left ‘chest’ area. I’ve recently had my yearly mammogram, and even saw my dermatologist for a red spot that hung around that area a little too long (which is actually fading, but still there). In all fairness I do get the occasional twinges on the right side also, but more so on the left. So, of course I panicked, went to the Internet and got the s*** scared out of me with terrifying data related to Inflammatory Breast Cancer (a very rare form that comprises approx. 4% of the diagnosed breast cancers). As I calmed down, and after I had seen my doctor (who said the spot looked acne related, “*ick*”), I started to wonder if the pain could be related to FMS. This does come up occasionally for me (and yes, I always panic), so I figured since everything seems to be up for grabs with Fibromyalgia in the pain department, why not this area? As I did a little research, this isn’t an uncommon occurrence, and you can find many forums where women have experienced this very thing. Of course, going to the doctor is a MUST before chalking it up to FMS, but if you get the ‘all clear’, there’s a good chance FMS could be the culprit. You see, there is a muscle wall in your chest, and all the tissue is connected. Pain can radiate out to the nerves causing discomfort and typical FMS/muscle problems. So yes, this area is definitely not excluded from the grab bag of conditions that accompany Fibromyalgia. See a physician first to rule out any serious possibilities, but if there is no other reason for the pain, it could be your FMS. Original article and pictures take http://alifewellred.com/keeping-abreast-of-the-situation-what-breast-pain-may-mean-with-fibromyalgia/ site

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