суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.

How To Spot and Treat Depression – A Personal Story

How To Spot and Treat Depression – A Personal Story
Getting Over Depression | Signs of Depression | Health and Wellness

This week, Food and Lifestyle focuses on YOUR well-being and state of mind. Identifying and getting over depression is something that many, many women struggle with – often in silence. Today, Lindsay from Leelala shares her personal story about her struggle with depression in a very lovely way. I am so excited to be here today, sharing my heart with you all. Today I want to talk about a topic that hits close to home: Depression. It’s something that millions of Americans struggle with, myself included. Let’s start with my story… What do you do when your life comes crashing down on you? When you’ve hit rock bottom and are not sure you will ever make it out? Believe it or not, this was my reality. For so long, I blocked my past out of my mind. It wasn’t until I reached my college years, when it ALL caught up to me. I began spiraling out of control. From the outside, I paint a pretty picture. I let everyone think I was fine, happy, content. Inside though, I was dying. Miserable. Unhappy. Lost. Confused. I shut out my best friends. I shut out my family. I searched for love in all the wrong places. I made bad decisions. I had no ambition. I was living a huge lie. For some they may have sought counseling. For me, the BEST solution seemed to be medicine. An anti depressant to be exact. My doctors believed this would be the answer to all my problems. “It would get me over this hump”- their exact words. At the time, I was numb, yet desperate, so I obliged. I became a pro at putting a band-aid on my problems and moving on. Eventually though, the hurt and pain catches up to you. Scars begin to show through. ………….. Obviously I found my way out of a deep dark hole. My life today is more blessed than I ever thought possible. But you want to know something? It wasn’t the medicine that got me “over the hump”. It was A LOT of prayer. Trusting Jesus. So for all you that may be struggling in a mountain of darkness, have faith. Be patient. NEVER give up hope. ……… While I am no expert, here are some red flags to spotting depression: Sadness Guilt Irritability Loss of energy Loss of interest Sleep changes Appitite changes Suicidal thoughts Maybe you have one of these symptoms. Maybe all of the above. Whatever your situation, each individual is DIFFERENT, and depression should be handled and dealt with in a manner to best suit you. I got through it. Barely, but I did. What has worked for me? PRAYER! Instead of hanging onto pain and suffering, I have learned to hang on HIM to get me through. “God will never give you more than you can handle” Exercise. My amazing family and friends. Positive environments. Blogging. Truly has been the best outlet for me. My sweet baby girl. My accountability day after day. Thank you so much for hanging with me today. And thank you SITS for the welcome. I love meeting new friends, so stop by my blog and say hello. Many blessings to all of you, wherever you may be in life. About the Author I am Lindsay, the girl behind the blog. Lee La La. I am a Momma. I am a so called writer. I am an occasional crafter. I am a fashion lover. It’s nice to meet you! Blog.Facebook.Twitter.Shop. Original article and pictures take http://www.thesitsgirls.com/ask-the-expert/getting-over-depression/ site

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