среда, 12 июля 2017 г.

Hip Flexor Stretches for Senior Citizens (Video)

Hip Flexor Stretches for Senior Citizens (Video)
Hip Flexor Stretches for Senior Citizens

AdChoices Ad closed by Report this adWhy this ad? Ad knew too muchAd covered contentAd was inappropriateNot interested in this ad We'll try not to show that ad again Ad closed by Video Transcript Hi, I'm Dr. Aria Yarmand and this is hip flexor stretches for senior citizens. The hip flexors are the muscles that attach the leg to the pelvis. A very simple stretch you can do for your hip flexors involves an elevated bed such as this. In order to stretch her left hip we're going to do the following, first we're going to bend her right leg and have her tuck it into your chest and after that we're going to ask her to just take her left leg and drop it off the edge of the table. This helps stretch the left hip flexor. A more advanced exercise for stretching the hip flexors involves the Garland post. Simply squat down, putting most of your weight on the balls of your feet, hold this position as long as you can and then come back up slowly. This exercise requires a little more strength however, it's great for flexibility. Original article and pictures take http://www.livestrong.com/video/1007101-hip-flexor-stretches-senior-citizens/ site

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