суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.

Exercises to Repair and Rehabilitate a Torn Labrum Without Surgery

Exercises to Repair and Rehabilitate a Torn Labrum Without Surgery
Exercises to Repair and Rehabilitate a Torn Labrum Without Surgery

Exercises to repair a torn labrum without surgery are designed to strengthen the muscles attached to the torn labrum to build strength and stability around the injury. While the labrum tear will not naturally heal, adapting to the new state of your shoulder or hip will help improve your range of motion and ability to adapt. Shoulder Range of Motion Shoulder range of motion exercises are designed to improve flexibility in the joint as well as stretch out the ligaments. The exercises range from shoulder circles to lifts. To perform a basic shoulder circle, stand next to a table at waist height. From here, place the hand of your noninjured arm on the table for balance. Lean over, bending at the waist until your upper torso is at a 45-degree angle. With your injured arm dangling, rotate it in a clockwise and circular motion, moving it from the shoulder joint without moving your arm. Perform 10 repetitions before rotating in the opposite direction for an additional 10. Hip Range of Motion Hip range of motion exercises help rehabilitate a torn labrum in the joint. The exercises include leg extensions and hamstring stretches. For a basic hamstring stretch, lie on your back with both knees bent and a resistance band or towel in your hand. Bend your injured leg at the knee, placing the resistance band under your knee and holding both ends of the band with your hands. Pull back on the band, bringing your knee in toward your chest as you stretch your hamstring and hip. Hold for several seconds before relaxing. Repeat several times until fatigued. Shoulder strengthening exercises will help you build the muscles that surround your injured shoulder, putting less strain and pressure on the labrum tear. To perform a shoulder shrug, stand straight with your knees slightly bent and arms at your sides. Lift up at the shoulders, bringing them up and in toward your neck. Lift until you feel a tightness but not so high that you feel pain. Hold the position for five seconds before relaxing. Repeat 10 times or until you are fatigued. Hip strengthening exercises build muscle in your hamstrings, quadriceps and core muscles ito relieve pressure on your joint and labrum tear. The exercises range from hip and knee bends to leg lifts. To perform a leg lift, lie on a bed with your legs extended and arms at your sides. Lift your injured leg off the ground, continuing until your leg is at a 45-degree angle. Hold for several seconds before bringing your leg down. Repeat until fatigued. Original article and pictures take http://www.livestrong.com/article/526290-exercises-to-repair-and-rehabilitate-a-torn-labrum-without-surgery/ site

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