Biceps tendinitis is a condition that can usually be treated with physical therapy. Therapy treatment may include a series of exercises with the arm and shoulder to improve strength and maintain range of motion in the affected limb. Talk to your doctor or a licensed physical therapist to learn more about exercises biceps and tendinitis can be used during treatment. Tendinitis is inflammation or irritation of a tendon in his body. This condition can occur anywhere in the tendon and causes pain and tenderness just outside a joint. Biceps tendinitis involves the biceps tendon, which extends from the shoulder joint to your upper arm. Tendinitis most commonly occurs in the shoulder, elbow, wrists and heels. Biceps Bicep curls can be an effective treatment for biceps tendinitis. This exercise standing starts and a lightweight in the hand of the injured arm. Bend your elbow and lift the weight to your chest. Keep your shoulder still during this movement, focusing only on moving the forearm at the elbow. Hold for five seconds before slowly lowering the arm to the starting position. Do three sets of 10 repetitions. Flexion Shoulder flexion exercises can also be used for the treatment of biceps tendinitis. Stand with the injured arm hanging at his side. Then use the shoulder muscles to lift the arm up toward the ceiling in a smooth and soft. Hold at the top for a few seconds before lowering the arm in a slow decline. Depending on the severity of your condition, you can add weight to this exercise to increase endurance. Triceps The triceps muscles are thick in the back of his arm and is responsible for extending the elbow. Lie on your back with the injured arm toward the ceiling. Bend your elbow so that your hand down to your chest. Then extend your arm at the elbow so that your hand is raised to the ceiling. Complete this movement with weights added, if your level of pain allows. Considerations No exercises complete injury therapy without consulting your doctor or a licensed physical therapist. Depending on the severity of your disease, your doctor may also prescribe a painkiller to help reduce discomfort and swelling in the tendon. In extreme cases, surgical intervention may be necessary. Biceps tendinitis is an inflammatory disease that involves the tendon of the long head of the biceps muscle. Tendinosis is caused by the degeneration of the biceps tendon in the entities engaged in the tendon with repeated stress, rather than referring to a normal aging process. In clinical practice, it is easy to see that this condition has been the subject of a recent review published in the American Family Physician and designed to provide simple rules useful to the family doctor for a correct diagnosis and choice of therapy. Patients suffering from bicep tendonitis and tendinosis that the biceps, accuse a deep throbbing pain in the front of the shoulder, caused or aggravated by repetitive overhead motion of the arm. On examination is detectable a painful spot in the biceps, when the arm is placed at 10 degrees of internal rotation. Individuals are more likely to develop pathological conditions of the biceps tendon are young adults aged 18 to 35 who play sports regularly, swimming, gymnastics and martial arts. A secondary lesion of the biceps tendon can result from instability of the shoulder blade, its structures and ligamentous laxity of the anterior or posterior capsule. In older individuals, such as athletes older than 35 years or those who do not play sports with more than 65 years, acute biceps tendinitis can be caused by overuse and sudden, repetitive, or use the time leads to a tendinosis of the biceps. The most common cause of tendinosis or tenosynovitis of the biceps (inflammation of the tendons heath) is the primary impingement, which refers to a mechanical impact under the coracoacromial arch. Causes include the acromial osteophytes, thickening of the coracoacromial ligament, osteoarthritic spurs interference of the biceps tendon. The lesion of the rotator cuff or SLAP (front lip and rear) often accompanies tendonitis and tendinosis of the biceps. In fact, accordingly to the rotator cuff tendon of the biceps is exposed coracoacromial arch that can lead to secondary impingement. In athletes over the age of 35 years, the primary impingement of the rotator cuff rupture is more common in younger athletes. For the global view of the biceps tendon, ultrasound is the imaging procedure preferable. However, magnetic resonance imaging or the arthro-TAC appear better the tendon at intra-articular and the possible presence of pathological processes. The injection of local anesthetic (eg, lidocaine 1%, with or without corticosteroid) in the sheath of the biceps tendon may be diagnostic, and therapeutic and can be helpful to relieve pain. Conservative treatment options for biceps tendonitis include rest, ice application, oral analgesics such as paracetamol or anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy or corticosteroid injections into the sheath of the biceps tendon. The 4 stages of rehabilitation to be activated in people who are athletic activity with shoulder pain are: 1. rest, 2. stretching exercises of the shoulder, the rotator cuff and posterior capsule, 3. muscle strengthening 4. program launch progressively challenging. Exercise can be started after the shoulder is painless. The goal of stretching is to restore the range of motion without causing stiffness or pain in any position. Because even a minor loss of movement in the lower back and hamstrings can cause an imbalance important stabilizing ligaments of the shoulder and scapula, the stretching program should also target the hamstrings and lower back. Once the rotator cuff, scapular rotators and pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi and deltoid muscles are strong enough, it can be started a program to launch. For those who are not athletic activity, rehabilitation is similar, with less emphasis in point 4 (launch) the rehabilitation program. The clinician should take into consideration the surgery if conservative treatment does not result in an improvement after 3 months, or if there are serious damage to the biceps tendon. The options include the removal of the structures that determine the primary and secondary impingement, and the biceps tendon repair, if necessary. If rupture of the biceps tendon is <50%, is indicated surgical debridement. For serious injury or rupture, we consider the tenodesis, with the attachment of the biceps tendon to the humeral ligament with suture anchors or screws. This procedure can be performed in patients under the age of 60 years, as well as in active patients, athletes, manual workers, and patients who do not accept a swelling of the muscles above the elbow. For sedentary patients> 60 years of age who have a rupture of the biceps tendon, the procedure of choice is the tenotomy with removal of the biceps tendon from the glenohumeral ligament and without significant loss of arm function. Original article and pictures take https://biceptendonitis.wordpress.com/ site
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