{ Black Cutout Bra | Black Laser Cut Crops | Black Mesh Crops | Black Bra | Purple Tennis Shoes | Grey Tennis Shoes | Sunglasses } Happy Wednesday! Hope you all are staying warm if you live somewhere it got hit with snow! Can’t believe it got so cold. Not going to lie, we are complaining it is in the 50’s and 60’s, haha. Okay, to be honest, it was like in the 30’s in the mornings! Anyways, we had asked you all for what you wanted to see for workout posts, and we got a lot of great topics, so thank you for all of your suggestions! Today, we will be sharing an arm workout, as well as a beginner’s guide to starting out to on the stairmaster. Instead of sharing three recipes, we will be sharing a sample of what we ate in a day + one easy lunch/dinner recipe! So, first, for the arm workout: We typically separate arms into biceps and triceps in one day, and then shoulders another day, and then chest sometimes with calves on another day. It all depends! Today’s workout will combine all of these muscles groups into one day! You can definitely check out our previous posts, and mix and match upper-body exercises if you wanted to. If you don’t know one of the exercises, just google it, and a video on youtube should show you the proper form! As far as cardio goes, you all know we usually will stick to the stairmaster, if possible. The reason being that no matter what, you have to push yourself to keep moving, unlike other cardio equipment, where you can barely pedal or move slower, the starimaster will keep rotating and moving, so if you get lazy, you will fall off, haha. With that being said, though, you don’t have to go super fast! Especially if you’re just starting out, it can be daunting! Here are our tips for starting out on the stairmaster: PS- excuse the MAJOR typo for ‘beginners’! I was clearly very tired when I made this;) so embarrassing! Below are some workout pieces we are loving this week [click each item to shop it directly!]: Original article and pictures take http://www.adoubledose.com/double-dose-of-fitness-11/ site
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