Deep Piriformis Syndrome Stretch http://PainFreeInstitute.net Piriformis syndrome is a condition where the piriformis muscle become tight or inflamed and compresses the sciatic nerve which runs right below it. Piriformis syndrome can also be caused from a dysfunction or misalignment of the sacroiliac joint (SI joint). When the piriformis muscle compresses the sciatic nerve it can cause sharp pain in the buttocks and pain traveling down the leg. This is called pseudo-sciatica since true sciatica originates in the lumbar spine. To stretch the piriformis muscle, lift the affected leg on to a table, bed, arm rest of a couch and lean forward for about 10 seconds. Repeat this exercise for 10 - 20 repetitions and you can do this twice a day for sciatica pain relief. For information on how to get rid of sciatica naturally without risky back surgery, painful injections, or addicting painkillers visit my blog at http://painfreeinstitute.net/blog For the top 3 exercises for sciatica check out this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfWIR... You can also watch my FREE online presentation on the top 3 exercises for sciatica at http://SciaticaWebinar.com For FREE videos on how to get rid of sciatica you can also visit http://SayonaraSciatica.com Connect with me on Facebook: http://Facebook.com/AtlantaChiropractor Follow me on Twitter: http://Twitter.com/DrJoseGuevara Subscribe to my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/drjosegue... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v95ps... Deep Piriformis Syndrome Stretch - Sciatica Pain Relief Original article and pictures take http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v95psKtwu0s site
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