You might have chronic tendonitis if: You have constant pain interfering with your daily life. You've experienced on-going dull, aching, sharp, throbbing and/or radiating pain that just won't go away. From time to time you get tenderness or swelling in and around the injured area. Your soft tissue feels weak and stiff - severely reducing your mobility and range of motion. You have difficulty using and relying on the affected area - ie. it's hard to grip items, carry anything, walk normally, run or stay active, you have trouble sleeping or you're finding it hard to dress yourself. You have an on-going injury that you wish had healed by now, but the aching, throbbing, radiating pain just won't go away. If you already know or suspect that you're suffering from chronic tendinitis then you're probably familiar with the need to constantly manage your pain. You're probably used to changing the way you walk or carrying things to avoid using the area of your body affected by chronic tendonitis. If you've been working with a doctor, maybe the only choices presented to you so far are living off of anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or filling prescriptions. If the pills don't work, you might assume the next step is surgery. These methods for managing your chronic pain and stiffness are doing nothing to actually work with what your body has available. Our bodies are resilient, adaptive, amazing pieces of machinery. Our brains automatically know to change the way our bodies work to adapt to any change in condition - from changes in temperature outside, to a stubbed toe, to even a chronic case of tendonitis. Relying on medications to fix a case of chronic tendonitis is like turning off the signals your brain is giving you (pain is a warning signal). Does that mean your injury is gone? No. It just means you've shut off your body's only way of telling you that somethings wrong and your injury STILL isn't healed. At this point you're probably telling yourself: Often with chronic tendonitis there's also more than 1 injury going on. You might even be suffering from a series of inter-related conditions. For example if you have foot tendonitis (or sesamoiditis), you might feel some lower back, hip, thigh or even knee pain on that same side (or even the opposite 'healthy' side). If you've started noticing secondary pain, it's likely this pain is still being caused by your original injury. If you haven't received a proper diagnosis you may not even be aware of the true cause for all of your pain. In all of these situations - when trying to avoid taking pills to manage pain, resorting to surgery or treating a series of conditions for 1 tendonitis injury - conservative treatment methods are the solution. The best way manage a chronic case of tendonitis is by introducing long-term conservative treatment methods that work with your body instead of disguising the problem. Why rely on someone else to manage the pain in your body when you can start healing yourself? You can easily speed up healing of your chronic tendonitis by using your own blood flow and other healing tools available in your body. Professional athletes have had access to state of the art treatment therapies for years that allow them to heal more quickly and completely than you or I. This is why athletes that have chronic tendonitis can often get back in the game in a matter weeks while you could suffer for months or even years. With some breakthrough products we have engineered, professional treatment is now available to anyone who needs it. Chronic tendonitis can happen to anyone, not just professional athletes. Right now there are thousands of doctors and physical therapists dealing with patients that require a solution to treat their tendonitis fast and heal it (where possible). If you want to be proactive about properly addressing your tendonitis, speak to your doctor about adding to your treatment with AidYourTendon's system utilizing BFST® and ColdCure Technology®. The AidYourTendon therapeutic at-home healing system gives you: Products that are approved by the FDA for use in the hospital or at home. Cold compression Freezie Wraps® that relieve pain, inflammation and swelling fast with consistent cold temperatures that WON'T reach temperatures so low that it causes cryoburn (like ice or blue gel packs full of anti-freeze and chemicals). Food-grade, non-toxic gel packs that can be chilled in the fridge or freezer. Inferno Wraps® with deeply penetrating Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy™ right into your tendon deep tissue where you need treatment most (unlike other methods that just heat your skin - like hot water bottles, hot baths, etc.) Medical-grade, soft, plush, neoprene wraps that meet ISO 10993 bio-compatibility testing - providing the safest product for cold compression and Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy™ treatment. You might say to yourself "How did I get chronic tendonitis"? It all started with an acute or overuse (repetitive movement) injury to your tendon. You probably rested for a few days and thought once swelling or inflammation (the pain) was gone that the injury was better. We make the mistake of returning to regular activities too soon without proper time for healing. The truth is that healing takes time and after the swelling is gone your injury isn't even close to being fully healed. Every time we have an injury, we start to heal right away. This is an 'active healing' time when your body sends extra blood that is full of oxygen, nutrients and fluid to the injury via inflammation to heal you and get rid of damaged tissue cells. As inflammation reduces and 'long-term healing' begins, scar tissue (adhesions) are laid down and act like a band-aid over the injury. This scar tissue acts as a foundation for the tissue repair. Scar tissue is the quickest way for our bodies to heal. The scar tissue will change over time and convert into healthy / strong tissue. This phase in healing is call 'the remodeling stage'. When you return to work, sports or activity to soon you're interrupting this remodeling stage. If your remodeling is interrupted with re-injury (more swelling and inflammation) even more scar tissue is added as a way to start the repair process over again from the beginning. A build-up of scar tissue can have a negative impact on your overall healing; The weak and brittle nature of scar tissue can put you in a state of constant re-injury. On-going issues with stiffness, tightness, and loss of range of motion in the affected area. Narrowing of the sheath of tissue that surrounds the tendon, causing more pain, inflammation or swelling. Future issues with overall joint alignment. Enough scar tissue built up over time can pull on the bones and muscles in the affected area and pull the joint out of alignment. As time goes on and your tendonitis is hanging-on, the second biggest problem you'll face is the fact that the 'active healing' response (inflammation / swelling / increased blood flow) is now gone. Instead you're left with a chronic injury that has low levels of on-going inflammation, but not enough to fully heal you. Sometimes you'll feel a consistent dull pain or you'll have pain any time you use the area for any activity. Before we go further, it is important to understand that your body is capable of healing itself. This is why your physician will always try to opt for the conservative treatment first - usually, it works although it takes time to heal. Your blood flow carries oxygen and much needed nutrients to injured cells in the body while also flushing away toxins and waste at the same time. Simple conservative treatments start with a cold compression Freezie Wrap® and BFST® Inferno Wrap® plus time to let your body heal. We have tools that will help you to prevent and treat the symptoms of chronic tendonitis. When it comes to chronic tendonitis it's best to start effective long term healing as soon as possible. Our Advisers are highly trained individuals and will help find the long term healing goal that's right for YOU. Why wait? Call today and get on the road to recovery faster than ever before! Everything in the our bodies are connected and the impact of one injury can affect another area of your body - this is known as 'over-compensation pain'. Months of one area being affected by injury, using your body incorrectly to avoid pain, shifting your weight, carrying things differently or changing your movement are all actions that can lead to over-compensation pain. For example - if you've suffered an injury from overworking your elbow playing golf you might start feeling the same pain in your other elbow. It's quite common for people to develop elbow tendonitis in both arms. Close to 4 million people in the United States seek treatment each year for symptoms of tennis elbow alone! If you have foot tendonitis you might start shuffling on the heel of your injured foot and place more weight on your opposite, healthy foot. Shuffling your way around for a long period of time may lead to pain in the heel of your foot, knee, hip or lower back on your injured side because you are mis-aligning your entire leg (keeping it straight and off to the side). For knee injuries you might start standing differently, putting all your weight on the other side. This consistent shift of weight can impact your other knee, hip and lower back. If left untreated, your chronic tendonitis can lead to a complex condition including several other injuries. Any changes you make to your body or actions to compensate for your injury will change the alignment of your other joints, muscles and tendons. This is why it's so important to treat chronic tendonitis with cold compression and Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy™ right away AND deal with any other injuries that have happened because of your never-ending tendonitis. Tendinosis is basically like tendonitis but it's not caused by an injury. Tendinosis is caused by chronic degeneration (wearing away) of tendon fibers over time. This is a natural thing that happens to our tissue as we age. Where tendonitis is damage or micro-tearing to your tendon, tenosynovitis is damage or micro-tearing to the sheath covering your tendon. This sheath is a protective lining for your tendon and is made up of synovium. If this sheath is injured it can also become irritated resulting in similar symptoms as tendonitis (pain, swelling and inflammation). Calcific Tendinitis is an injury where bone (a calcium deposit) will grow in the middle of your tendon (instead of healthy tendon tissue). There are 2 types of calcific tendonitis both are from a chemical reaction in the body. Degenerative Calcification happens from natural aging in our body where the tissues start to break down and injury happens then calcium (bone) forms in the tendon as it heals. With reactive calcification there's generally no injury or specific event the body, but a chemical process just starts to let calcium build-up inside the tendon. Normally reactive calcification affects younger people. Both forms of calcific tendinitis can happen in any tendon in the body, normally it forms in the shoulder and rotator cuff. This condition can also happen to the elbows, wrists, hands, hips, knees, or feet - it's also known as calcific tendinopathy It's possible for you to have tendonitis / tendinosis AND tenosynovitis at the same time creating a more complicated tendonitis injury. This weak tissue can also lead to rupture of the tendon and permanent damage. Have you heard this or even said it yourself before? We often throw 10 things at an injury to get it to heal. Taking this 'Big Bunch' approach is not really speeding up your natural healing process. Sometimes is can actually slow it down because the incorrect therapy can cause more damage to the tissue. Healing is a natural process where cells are building on-top of cells to form the scar tissue, time passes and a cellular change needs to happen before your are fulling healed. Have you re-injured your tendon by returning to work too quickly? How many times in the past have you aggravated your tendon injury just trying to perform basic tasks around your house? Is your tendon injury preventing you from work or activities you love to do? Most people we deal with tell us these scenarios have happened to them many times in the past. The real challenge is how to promote blood flow to your tendon without causing further injury. This goal is further complicated by the fact that your tendon is involved in a lot of physical activities that you perform everyday. The good news is that most cases of chronic tendonitis can heal with simple home conservative treatments and surgery is often not needed! In cases where surgery is needed to release or repair. Step 1 - Reduce Your Activities & Rest Your Injury Allowing your tendon to rest is always recommended following injury. Avoid all activities that may have caused the injury or irritation. The healing process takes time! To repair our damaged tendon tissue quickly, our bodies will use scar tissue to fill in the tears in the tendon. Not giving your tissue enough time to heal can lead to re-injury. In your case you may have now developed a chronic condition in your tendon. If you need to rest for an extended period of time and avoid certain activities that make your pain worse, you'll be more likely to develop massive amounts of scar tissue as a temporary healing measure. Scar tissue may plague you for weeks, months and maybe even years, depending on your level of activity and the amount of conservative treatments you have done during your rehabilitation. Scar tissue is a major problem, especially when it comes to re-injury of your tendon. When dealing with scar tissue it's always important to: listen well to your physician and if conservative treatments are recommended, remember to stick to your (daily) treatment plan using these therapies for at least 3 to 4 weeks. frequent use of the Freezie Wrap® will help reduce the swelling very quickly. Much of the pain you feel will be from the swelling, and you'd be surprised how fast the pain drops off once the swelling is down. the Inferno Wrap® will help reduce scar tissue and increase blood flow to the area (thereby accelerating the body's own healing process). when applied before stretching, the Inferno Wrap® will help flush the area with fresh blood. This will help improve your range of motion and prevent re-injury. Step 2 - Reduce Pain & Swelling with Cold Compression The 1st step for conservative treatment of your tendonitis is to reduce the swelling to "open up" the area for more blood flow. Anyone in the health-care business knows that your blood supplies the oxygen and much needed nutrients required to heal tendon injuries. This is why for years, doctors, trainers, and other medical professionals have recommended RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) to treat the pain and swelling of fresh injuries, chronic pain, and after any re-injury. Although RICE can help to treat these symptoms, ice and freezer gel packs reach temperatures so low they can cause cryoburn, an ice burn on your skin. The problem is, up until now there hasn't been any other option to treat painful conditions and injuries, so ice and blue gel packs (full of anti-freeze and chemicals) have been the only choice available. Fortunately you no longer have to settle for these ice cold methods that are uncomfortably cold against your skin, provide short term relief, cause ice burns, numb your skin and underlying tissue beyond feeling so you don't even notice the ice burn until it's too late and pool around your injury putting the cold everywhere except for where you need it most. A Freezie Wrap® allows you to treat your tendonitis in an effective and convenient way. Our Freezie Wraps® will wrap around your body keeping the cold right over your injury for the entire length of your treatment. Our food-grade, non-toxic gel packs can be chilled in the fridge or freezer to tailor the amount of cold that you need for your injury. It doesn't matter how you cool it down, because our gel packs are chock full of gel that's designed to cool down into millions of tiny snowflakes. This method of cooling means our gel packs aren't icy-cold! The cushioned gel will wrap around your injury and it won't budge for the entire treatment period. You'll no longer have to deal with annoying pooling gel away from the injury site or have to hold a hard block of ice on your injury! This is important because once blood vessels are blocked or damaged, they can no longer carry oxygenated blood through the tissue and tissue cells begin to break-down. Without cold compression therapy cellular break-down and tissue damage continues as the cells don't get the oxygen they need to survive. By limiting the amount of damage done to your tendon, you also limit the amount of healing that needs to occur. This is a very important step to heal tendon injuries faster and with less pain! This is why you need to treat your tendon injury pain right after it's hurt, when you notice pain / swelling / inflammation, or directly after a re-injury. Applying a Freezie Wrap® right away will stop the damage immediately and unblock your blood vessels to let your body's natural blood flow in to start healing the tissue. It'll seem weird for you to read this, but there are a LOT of people out there that don't understand how fast cold compression with a Freezie Wrap® can get the swelling / inflammation in your tendon under control! After you get rid of the swelling for good you can start dealing with your tendon injury and pain head on. Step 3 - Improve Circulation, Soften Scar Tissue & Prevent Re-Injury with Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy™ After the inflammation has been reduced, providing extra blood flow and strengthening your tendon tissue is recommended. Promoting blood flow to your tendon to help your body heal itself is a concept that has been utilized for centuries. Oxygen and nutrients, carried within the blood, are critical for the body to heal itself. Without proper blood flow, your recovery from any soft tissue injury will be delayed... sometimes for a very long period of time. Even though the concept is simple, improving blood flow to your tendon while it's injured can be difficult. Traditional methods require you to move in order to promote blood flow - but that same motion that promotes blood flow can also make your pain and tendon injury much worse. Relying on movement alone to increase blood flow puts you in danger of re-injuring your tendon So what do you do when you need to increase blood flow, but you can't move without re-injuring your tendon? This is where Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy™ (BFST®) comes in! Using BFST® will help with your recovery and heal your tendon more completely. BFST® increases the amount of blood that flows naturally to your soft tissue to nourish your tendons, improve elasticity and speed up the healing process. This increased Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy™ to your injured tendon is greatly needed. The only way to get BFST® is through use of an Inferno Wrap®. The Inferno Wrap® is the only treatment method that improves blood flow and circulation on a deep tissue level. Other methods of warming tissue (hot water bottles, hot baths, etc) will only ever increase blood flow on a surface / skin level. These methods need a LOT of time to even reach your tendon on a deep tissue level. And even if you were to use them this long your skin would heat up to an uncomfortable level and you might even get burned! The best source of heat treatment is from a product where you don't even feel that much heat. When you don't feel the heat, it means the therapy is working in your deep soft tissue which is really where you need it. It's kind of like how your heart works in your body. You can't "feel" your heart pumping blood all around your body to your arms and legs. You can't even hear your own heartbeat without listening very closely. This is exactly how deep tissue BFST® works too! You're not supposed to "feel" a lot of heat because the heat isn't treating your skin, it's treating your injury increasing the blood flow right in your tendon tissue. When treating any soft tissue injury, an effective therapy will increase blood flow to the injury while the joint is immobile. This increase in blood flow will accelerate the body's own ability to heal itself. The Inferno Wrap® is the most highly effective blood flow stimulation device that you will find on the market that is approved by the FDA for use in the home or hospital. Our Inferno Wrap® is made from medical-grade material - this should be as important to you as it is to us! Other products that are sold in stores are considered "consumer goods" meaning the material only needs to be as good as a sweater that you wear. Clothing articles like this don't need to meet high standards of production or materials and may include materials that irritate your skin. Since our wraps are medical-grade products registered with the FDA, they are of a higher quality and need to meet way more standards for manufacturing (ISO 10993 - bio-compatibility testing). This makes our wraps the safest product for heating treatment. Our manufacturer has spent years perfecting the wrap design to make sure you get the treatment you deserve! It may seem hard to believe, but our Freezie Wraps® and Inferno Wraps® will assist you in recovering from your injury faster and reduce the chance suffering from degeneration conditions (like arthritis or tendonitis) by maximizing blood flow where it's needed most and reducing swelling / inflammation induced pain. Learn more about how the Freezie Wrap® is designed to be the most effective cold compression wrap on the market today. Learn more about how the Inferno Wrap® helps with the healing process. Original article and pictures take http://www.aidyourtendon.com/strain-injuries/chronic-tendinitis.php site
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