Medical Treatments Once Reserved For Pro Athletes Are Now Available To The Public... Now You Can Heal Yourself At Home! Over 92% of our Clients Have: Accelerated the Healing Rate of their Meniscus Tear Injury Accelerated the Healing Rate of their Knee Tendon Tear/Strain Decreased Inflammation in their Knee quickly. Decreased Their Pain Quickly and Significantly Increased the Range of Motion (ROM) in their Knee joint (reduction of atrophy) Decreased their Chance of Re-Injury by Healing More Completely & Quickly (less scar tissue). Decreased their Chance of Re-Injury by Learning About What Caused the Injury in the First Place. ...they simply decided to try our home treatment recommendations and committed themselves to a daily treatment protocal. But before you decide on a knee treatment path, an understanding of the three major stages of the healing process is critical. With the right knowledge and the right treatment options, you can accelerate your recovery without the fear of re-injury or setbacks (which unfortunately, happens to many people - we will explain why further down the page). Step 1: Reduce The Initial Inflammation Inflammation is the body's natural response to a shoulder injury and is a normal part of the healing process - helping to reduce tissue infection in the early stages of injury. Swelling, pain, heat sensation, redness, and loss of function are the main symptoms experienced and it is your bodys way of telling you there is something wrong. The combination of cold therapy and static compression is the gold standard in medicine for minimizing tissue damage and reducing inflammation after injury or activity. It serves as a critical bridge into the next phase of the healing process. Step 2: Enhance Blood Flow to the Injured Soft Tissue Tendons,ligaments, cartilage, and some muscle fibres are considered dense tissues. As a result, they naturally receive limited blood flow and this is precisely why injuries to these tissues take so long to heal. The challenge is, how do you effectively increase blood flow to these tissues in the knee? Rigorous exercise is out of the question as it will lead to further injury. Heating pads merely provide a surface heat and do not effectively penetrate into the dense tissues. Therapy is helpful, but that only happens a few times a week. It is through the blood the body carries the nutrients, oxygen, and antibodies the injured tissues need to repair and rebuild. Research shows that electromagnetic energy is a very effective treatment for stimulating blood flow to dense tissues such as tendons, ligaments, muscles, and even portions of cartilage. This dramatically improves the healing process. Electromagnetic energy is an energy waveform that is absorbed by dense tissue (muscles, tendons, ligaments) and absorbed much less by low density tissue (fat cells, skin). Absorption of this energy translates to heat, and the body increases blood flow to the area as a response to the heat. This increased blood flow speeds up the healing process, clearing the area of toxins and excess fluid build up, thereby reducing inflammation. This process is simply known as BFST®, and stands for Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy™. This is a very important tool for complete and fast healing! Step 3: Recognize That Healing is a Process With dedication, the right tools, and the right information - you will achieve your goal of a sustainable recovery. A combination approach of cold compression therapy, deep heat treatments, and functional movements will make it happen much more quickly. Healing takes a comprehensive approach and will differ from person to person. If you have questions, we welcome you to call our office toll-free at 1-866-237-9608 (Continental US), or Internationally at +1-705-445-3505. Healing Solutions for Tendonitis of the Knee, Knee Strain or Partial Knee Tear Are you looking for a superior level of treatment for your injured knee or chronic knee pain? There are highly effective treatments for knee injuries that you probably do not know about. A great number of our clients have achieved their goal of overcoming a debilitating knee injury and have returned back to their regular activities sooner than expected by treating themselves at home. For years, professional athletes (and privileged individuals) have had access to state of the art treatment therapies that allow them to heal more quickly and more completely than you or I. This is why athletes that have a serious knee injury can often get back in the game in a matter weeks, while you could suffer for months or even years (in chronic cases). Fortunately, with some of breakthrough products we have engineered, professional treatment is now available to anyone who needs it. Knee tendinitis, knee strain, partial knee tears (ACL, MCL or PCL), runner's knee or a knee hyperextension can happen to anyone, not just professional athletes. Right now, there are thousands of doctors and physical therapists dealing with patients that require a solution to treat their injury fast and heal it (where possible). Maybe they are competitive golfers or football players that must return to their sport quickly (downtime=money), or perhaps they are just patients that are unwilling to just take pain pills, lay in bed and wait. Regardless of who you are or your reasons, if you want to be proactive about properly addressing your injured knee, speak with your physician about augmenting your treatment with MendMyKnee's system utilizing BFST® and ColdCure Technology®. We have many happy customers that have healed their knee injury faster than they expected as well as significantly reduced their pain during treatment. The 4 Inferno Wraps and 2 Freezie Wraps made a great difference I love the products and I can definitely tell they are making a big difference in my healing. I just wish I had known of your products even sooner. I was in a serious motorcycle accident back in July and broke 17 bones, had a collapsed lung, and had numerous twists and sprains along with a lot of swelling. I was in the intensive care unit for 7 days and then in the hospital for 7 more before I was able to go home. To make a long story short, since using your products my pain level has gone down immensely and the swelling is finally under control. I even take the Inferno wrist and back wrap to work and use it since I have a desk job that makes it possible. I am down to just walking with a cane now and will probably be able to get rid of that in about two weeks. I did twenty minutes on the stationary bike yesterday and walked for ½ mile on our treadmill. Within another couple months I hope to be back to jogging several miles every other day. The 4 Inferno Wraps and 2 Cold Cure products along with lots of prayers on my behalf have helped make the difference. Thanks again so much, and God Bless you guys for your products! P.S. Also, here is a little more about my status now. I just ran the Peachtree Road Race (a 10K event – 6.2 miles) in 9:07 per mile. That was back on July 4. I just ran a 5K (3.1 miles) in 8:22 per mile this last weekend. I truly believe the wraps helped me get that level of fitness back. Many people my age (55) don’t even ever get in that kind of shape, let alone a year after a major accident with all the complications that I had. Steve Brown, San Diego USA Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] Anyone can injure their knee badly, not just professional athletes. Knee injuries are very common and are often a result of a quick twist or a blow to the knee or overuse of the knee joint. Stretching or tearing of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) or the medial collateral ligament (MCL), tearing of the meniscus, tendinitis in the patellar tendon or quadriceps tendon, and Hoffa's Syndrome are all frequent knee injuries. Regardless of the type of soft tissue that is damaged, it is painful and your knee can feel very unstable. Knee injuries can persist for years and be disruptive to your way of life. Recovery can take a long time but proper healing is essential to regain strength and get you back to the activities you enjoy. Knee Movement and the Re-Injury Cycle Every time you flex your knee, those ligaments and muscle tissue move; when they are inflamed, every movement hurts. Once this tissue is injured it's painful and becomes very difficult to recover 100% without proper treatment. It is almost impossible to keep from re-straining your knee because even when the pain is gone you still aren't fully healed. But, when the pain disappears, that's when we start using our knee normally again even though it isn't fully healed. It's just not possible to stop everything and rest the injury properly. Everyone has demands that make them keep going and when we are active we prevent the knee from healing completely. We continually re-injure the area through our daily activities which can often lead to knee replacement surgery later in life. So I Think I Have a Knee Injury - What Should I Do? If you suspect you may have a knee injury, the first thing to do is consult your physician; only your physician can give you a proper diagnosis and from this, determine a course of proper treatment. After seeking medical advice, your physician will almost always recommend conservative treatment options - conservative treatment options for a knee injury typically means rest, ice the injury, elevation of the injury and take anti-inflammatory medication. (reference: 1, 2, 3). Conservative Treatments... Supercharged! If you want to treat your knee injury with conservative treatment options, then you will find that our customers have had great success treating themselves with the most effective conservative treatment products you can use at home - the Freezie Wrap® and the Inferno Wrap®. Pre/Post-Surgery Recovery If surgical intervention is required, you will find we have effective solutions for inflammation reduction before and after surgery. Reduction of inflammation reduces pain, enhances range of motion and minimizes scar tissue growth. You can read more about effective options for pre/post knee surgery here. What You Need to Successfully Treat Your Knee Injury: A Professional Cold Compression Knee ColdCure Wrap® to reduce inflammation of the soft tissue injury (as soon as possible). A Deep Tissue Therapeutic Knee BFST Wrap® to increase Blood-flow to the injured knee ( BFST® Therapy). Medical Support Tape to provide support and take stress off of the knee ligaments & tendons. Our customers have responded very positively to knee taping and we highly recommend you grab yourself a couple rolls. Here is one of many medical studies that show measured benefits of medical taping. This study in particular is regarding pain reduction in osteoarthritis patients "...Medial taping of the patella was significantly better than the neutral or lateral taping for pain scores, symptom change, and patient preference. The medial tape resulted in a 25% reduction in knee pain." An Exercise & Stretching Plan to prevent muscle atrophy and shortened tendons. A proper plan will increase elasticity and strengthen the knee. Click HERE to Go To Our Online Store We take all major credit cards and Paypal. Click HERE to Call Our Office (toll free continental NA). These 4 tools are what you need for rapid healing. These are the tools that top professional athletes use to treat their injuries every single day. And just like these athletes, you can treat yourself at home. In fact, if you want to heal properly you have to treat yourself because you need to treat your injury every single day. If you have a Soft Tissue Knee Injury, it's important to heal it quickly and completely. If you don't, it may plague you for years. The Good News: the Body uses Blood to Repair Itself Before we go further, it is important to understand that your body is capable of healing itself. This is why your physician will always try to opt for the conservative treatment first - usually, it works although it takes time to heal. Your blood flow carries oxygen and much needed nutrients to injured cells in the body while also flushing away toxins and waste at the same time. When you have a knee injury, however, there is not much blood flow in your injured knee; inflammation and lack of joint movement reduces the flow of blood to the area. Further to this, if you are moving your injured knee around you run a risk of increasing the severity of the injury. If there has been some healing, you could re-injure your knee all over again. Blood Flow - the natural healing process in your body needs assistance for knee injuries because blood flow is greatly restricted when you are immobile. When treating Patellar Tendonitis, a Knee Ligament Injury or any soft tissue knee injury, an effective therapy will increase blood flow to the injury while the joint is immobile. This increase in blood flow will accelerate the body's own ability to heal itself. The Knee Inferno Wrap® is the most highly effective blood flow stimulation device that you will find on the market. To Start Recovery, Re-injury of Knee Tendons, Ligaments and Muscles Must be Avoided! It goes without saying that anyone suffering from a knee injury should want to minimize their chance of worsening the injury, or re-injuring it once it has started to get better. Obviously, a worsening injury will delay the healing process, but what's worse is that every re-injury and additional healing cycle increases the amount of time that your joint is immobilized. Time is hard on an immobilized joint - you lose strength in the joint but worse than that, you lose the range of motion in your joint via atrophy (your flexible tendons, muscles and ligaments slowly shrink, decreasing joint elasticity). The more time that goes by with an immobile joint, the more likely you will wind up with a chronic joint problem (long term injury with persistent flare-ups). Basically it means that your joint will not perform as well as it once did and it becomes more prone to injury again later on. If you have soft tissue knee injury or meniscus injury, it's very important to heal it quickly and completely. Minimizing the healing time of your knee should be an obvious goal, as a serious knee injury will assuredly limit your ability to go about your daily routine. "Not all knee pain is serious. But some knee injuries and medical conditions, such as osteoarthritis, can lead to increasing pain, joint damage and disability if left untreated. And having a knee injury — even a minor one — makes it more likely that you'll have similar injuries in the future." (Knee Pain: MayoClinic.com. 29 Mar. 2013. ) The more scar tissue that develops, the more likely your joint will wind up permanently worsened due to chronic pain, arthritis or reduced mobility. Scar tissue means that your knee will not perform as well as it once did and it makes it much more prone to injury later on. This is why it is massively important to deal with your Knee Injury properly right from the start. Heal it completely and fast to avoid re-injury. Rapid Healing... Time is Money. A common phrase that is especially true when you are suffering from a debilitating injury! Rapid recovery will not happen by itself; if you need rapid recovery and complete healing then we advise you speak with your physician about whether the Freezie Wrap® and Inferno Wrap® are therapies you could use for assisting in your conservative treatment at home. Anyone in the health-care business knows that your blood supplies the oxygen and much needed nutrients required to heal soft tissue injuries (injuries of cartilage, muscles ligament and tendons are soft-tissue injuries). The problem is that an injured knee means your blood flow is usually restricted in the area through inactivity and inflammation (swelling). The first step for conservative treatment of a soft tissue knee injury is to reduce the swelling to "open up" the area for greater blood flow. This is why health-care workers advise you to "ice" and "elevate" your injured knee... it gets the swelling down fast. Second, treat the injured area with the MendMeShop® Inferno Wrap®. Through this process, Pain from the swelling diminishes, as the Freezie Wrap® treatments achieve the goal of inflammation reduction Blood circulation is stimulated in the knee area (via the Inferno Wrap®), and this increased blood flow flushes toxins from the injury site and brings more nutrients to area, allowing the injury to repair itself more quickly. The Freezie Wrap® and Inferno Wrap® are highly effective therapy tools for recovering patients of knee injuries. These products will aid in the recovery stage of healing and help prevent re-injury or tendon/muscle strain in the weakened joint. Without the risk of re-injury, most patients can and will recover from their injuries at an advanced rapid rate. A knee joint injury is a race against time. The faster and stronger you heal your knee, the less chance there is for re-injury or knee problems later on. Reduction of Swelling (and Swelling Associated Pain)... Would you know you injured yourself if there was no pain? Probably not! Pain and swelling perform a useful role in letting you know that you did, in fact, injure yourself. Pain and swelling are what get you to seek out medical attention in the hopes of finding a way to reduce the pain and heal your injury. Inflamed soft tissue in the knee can cause extreme pain and reduce your ability to move. When using a Cold Compression Knee Freezie Wrap®, you can control inflammation and support the knee joint which speeds up healing and clears away the pain. You don't need medication, drugging your whole body, to mask the pain. You need to reduce the inflammation in your knee and avoid re-injury to see a reduction in pain. We all know that if the injury was healed, the pain would go away but what about the opposite situation? If the pain is gone, does that mean the injury is better? Unfortunately, this is not always true. The Cold Compression Knee Freezie Wrap® is very effective at reducing swelling and the pain associated with swelling. Just remember that an injury is not healed just because the swelling is gone - this is why you need to keep treating the injury with BFST® and begin mild stretches outlined in our Ebooks once your physician gives the thumbs up. When used in combination, these three modalities provide all the necessary treatments to reduce the pain of your injured knee, greatly enhance the blood flow to your injury and allow you to maintain and even improve the elasticity within the knee joint. If you have a meniscus injury, knee injury or chronic pain in the knee, you can heal quickly if you treat your injury correctly. That means talking with your physician about using the right therapies every single day. I will now explain to you exactly why these three therapies are critical for properly addressing a meniscus injury. Learning about each of the three components of this therapy system is essential. Once you have read more about our therapies, you will understand that we have the unique ability to provide you with the best treatment options available to you at home. In fact, our products are currently being used in many doctors and therapist clinics - they are just that good! The Knee Inferno Wrap® and Knee Freezie Wrap® are intended for superior treatment of: Anterior Cruciate Ligament Strain, Partial Tear or Post Surgical Recovery. Meniscus Injuries - all forms. Medial Collateral Ligament Strain, Partial Tear or Post Surgical Recovery. Lateral Collateral Ligament Strain, Partial Tear or Post Surgical Recovery. Posterior Cruciate Ligament Strain, Partial Tear or Post Surgical Recovery. General Knee Strain or Inflammation Due to Hyper-extension. Knee Replacement Post Surgical Recovery. Chronic Knee Pain and Knee Osteoarthritis Pain Symptoms. If you have a bad knee injury or chronic condition, you will benefit greatly by treating your injury correctly. That means using the right therapies every single day. Here's how they work: Why Is The Freezie/ColdCure Knee Wrap Better? If you want the long answer to why the Cold Compression Knee ColdCure Wrap® is better, click here. Here is the shorter version: Each Wrap comes with 3 large gel packs. You can have 1 gel pack inside the wrap while the other 2 are in the freezer ready for use at any time. Each Gel Pack has a warm spot prevention layer. High Thermal Conductivity allows the gel pack to deliver its full cooling power at any hot spots on the knee. Ineffective cold wraps will not deliver consistent cold in hot spots as they do not have high thermal conductivity. Perfect Fit. It's designed to provide a perfect fit for all body types. More Cooling Power per Gel Pack A Cold Compression Knee ColdCure Wrap® is heavy - that is because there is a LOT of cooling power in every gel pack. This is a big problem with ice packs - cheap ones don't have enough to do the job properly. Gel is heavy and a lot of gel is MUCH more expensive to make - and it is not cheap to ship either. This is why everyone makes pretty wraps with just a little bit of gel, and you know by now that's not good. Medical Grade Means It Stands Apart Our ColdCure Wraps® stand apart because our gel packs are made with a food-grade PVC shell, food-grade non-toxic gel, there are no dyes or chemicals and they're FDA approved medical devices. Traditional blue gel packs contain dyes and anti-freeze (a very harsh toxic chemical). With so many chemicals it's impossible for these packs to freeze at all - they only cool down a little. Without the ability to freeze, how can these wraps provide you with the cold you need to reduce pain and swelling from your knee injury? Our Knee ColdCure Wraps® are made of the highest quality materials available. They fit perfectly, they're extremely durable, and they contain unique non-migrating gel that stays in place even when pressure is applied. ColdCure Wrap® gels don't separate. They're designed with having one thing in mind, to apply compression without sacrificing the gel migrating to another area. It's very durable, you can stand on it and it won't even move out of place. This is an important factor when you're talking about compression wraps. To receive the best treatment possible you want to apply ice without sacrificing compression to your injury, and that's exactly what the Knee ColdCure Wrap® will do. Unlike almost any other cold wrap, the gel won't squish away from your foot regardless of the pressure you put on it; this provides the cooling power exactly where you need it. Many wrap designers have tried numerous times to prevent the pooling effect. The "pooling effect" is when the gel drains away from the injured area and collects at the bottom corner of the gel pack, no longer providing effective treatment. This is why we designed the ColdCure Wrap®, because compared to traditional wrap designs our gel holds it's form and stays in place where you need it. Our non-migrating gel works so well that we trademarked the term "RigiGel®" to describe it! When to use a Knee/Meniscus ColdCure Wrap®: 24 to 72 hours after your initial injury or when you first notice pain and swelling to stop celluar damage, relieve pain, and decrease swelling. After exercise, workouts or activity of any kind to prevent re-injury. Before and after surgery during rehabilitation to control pre and post-surgery pain and swelling. Anytime you feel your knee has been over-extended, over-worked, twisted, strained or sprained causing pain and swelling. Anytime you have swelling, sharp throbbing pain or inflammation. Any other situation where you need to draw the pain and inflammation out of the knee - behind, around, above or below the kneecap. (including back of knee). Promoting blood flow around an injured area to help the body heal itself is a concept that has been utilized for centuries. Oxygen and nutrients, carried within the blood, are critical for the body to heal itself. Without proper blood flow, recovering from an injury or condition will be delayed...sometimes for a very long period of time. Even though the concept is simple, improving blood flow can be difficult. When the injury is joint related, the challenges are even greater. Traditional methods require your knee to move to promote blood flow, but that same motion that promotes blood flow can also lead to making your pain and condition worse. Have you re-injured your knee by returning to work too quickly? How many times in the past have you aggravated your knee just trying to perform basic tasks around the home? Is your knee injury preventing you from work or activities you love to do? Most people we deal with tell us these scenarios have happened to them many times in the past. The real challenge is how to promote blood flow to the knee without causing further injury? This goal is further complicated by the fact the knee is involved in the majority of the physical movements we perform each day. calf, hamstring and hip pain can be interconnected and are often experienced in conjunction with one another. Many of the muscles that surround the knee are connected to muscles in the hip and ankle; because of this, knee pain can cause debilitation from the torso down, impeding your lifestyle in a very real way. An injury to one knee can easily lead to straining in other areas, making an overall recovery hard to initiate. For example, a pain in the right knee can often lead to over-straining of the left knee. Often, knee pain will affect your gait and perhaps even begin to irritate your back as your walking movements compensate for the injury. Most commonly, the injury occurs on the dominant knee, so the risk of straining the other knee becomes increased - this often occurs when climbing stairs as you will naturally force your other knee to handle much more of the workload. The longer the injury (and corresponding pain) persists, the greater the chance that you will sustain more strain from overcompensation, eventually leading to issues in those areas as well. To minimize the potential for secondary injuries, know that it is important to deal with your knee injury quickly and completely. The truth is that our technology is proprietary and it stands alone to be what we believe is the most effective Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy™ available. More than 15 years of experience in the field of carbon fiber materials led to the development of the Inferno Wrap®. Not only do we have our own in-house team of experts, we also hire top engineers worldwide to continually improve upon the production and quality control processes. State of the art production facilities combined with a comprehensive, 7-step quality control process ensures you will receive a product that is designed to be safe and does what it is supposed to do...quickly relieve pain and aid in the recovery from meniscus, acl, pcl, mcl and knee related soft tissue injuries. Using the Inferno Wrap® is truly a unique experience. Within moments of applying an Inferno Wrap® to your knee, you can feel the healing sensation due to the increase in blood flow deep within the area. During a treatment, and for quite some time after you finish, your injured knee tendons, ligaments, bursa and muscles will feel gently warmed and more relaxed. It's a very soothing sensation and extremely effective. Inferno Wraps® contain a patented Energy Web® which is flexible and shaped to conform to your body. This Energy Web® emits a uniform wave of perfectly safe electromagnetic energy over its entire surface. This energy travels deep inside to the soft tissue in your knee and stimulates the blood flow needed to heal your injury. It is the electromagnetic energy that is crucial to the healing process. Electromagnetic energy waves are not heat waves. When they are emitted from the Inferno Wrap® they penetrate right through your skin and fat layers until they get to your ligaments, muscles, and tendons. Once they reach the injured area, they are absorbed and quickly converted into heat energy... right at the location of the injury. While the concept of electromagnetic energy is slowly catching on in North America, the truth is, it is a technology that has been utilized in other societies for decades. Over the past 30 years, researchers in Japan and China have completed extensive studies on the use of the modality and their findings have been impressive. In addition, success has been reported in studies from countries such as Sweden and Germany. Research is continuing and soon, much of North America will know what the Far East and Europe has known for a long time; electromagnetic energy provides a wide range of health benefits for those not only suffering from knee injuries, but for many other ailments as well. Other options you might find marketed for knee strains are topical medications... you know, the kind you rub into your skin. The problem here is that’s where the medication stops, at your skin, it doesn't reach your injured area - especially when the injury is deep down below the skin and sub-fat layer. Rub as hard as you like, you can’t massage topical creams past your skin. Have you ever gone to a doctor and had him rub something on your skin for a problem below the skin? No, and for good reason - it's just not very effective. I encourage people to try these options, however, as once they compare the effect of an Inferno Wrap® to any topical cream or gel rubs, they quickly realize how much better the Inferno Wrap® truly is. The Inferno Wrap®, also known as a BFST® Wrap, is an FDA Registered Medical Device and is suitable for use in hospitals and therapeutic clinics. Since it is completely safe for patients to use themselves, these are now available for use at home. Like the Freezie Wrap®, the Inferno Wrap® shell is made of medical grade neoprene. This neoprene shell helps shape the flexible Energy Web® to mold around the contours of the joint, ensuring there is an even distribution of safe, electromagnetic energy within the coverage area. Once treatment is complete, you also have the option of tightening the straps to provide light compression support for your injured joint. You can also unplug the device from the power supply enabling you to move around the home, office or clinic freely and still use the wrap for support and comfort. With BFST® your injured knee is constantly being fed with healing, nutritious, oxygen and energy filled blood. This is exactly what your body needs to heal. The Inferno Wrap® is an effective treatment tool that will accelerate the body's own healing process. As a side benefit, you will also find it to be very comfortable to wear at any time. In order to get maximum blood flow to your knee, you need to help your body stimulate blood flow. BFST® is the fast, easy and pain-free way to increase blood flow and speed healing. It's the key to dealing with your injured knee properly. Click HERE to Go To Our Online Store We take all major credit cards and Paypal. Click HERE to Call Our Office (toll free continental NA). Medical Support Tape Will Reduce Stress On Your Knee You have probably noticed many pro athletes you see in competitions now are all using athletic support tape. If you want to know why, well the answer is simple: it helps alleviate the strain endured by muscles, tendons and ligaments. For athletes, if certain limbs are under heavy load or repetitive movements (ie. shoulders for volleyball pros) the athletic support tape will take on some of the strain from the muscles, tendons and ligaments. This is why support tape is the perfect protection for soft tissue injuries in between BFST® and ColdCure Technology® treatments. The only difference, is your want to use Medical Support Tape instead of Athletic Support Tape. Proper, professional grade medical support tape when applied properly will provide extra support and protect your soft tissue injury while undergoing treatment. When It Comes to Support Tape, Quality is Important Unlike Athletic Tape Products out there, KB Support Tape™ is Medical tape, not Athletic tape. This means our tape is made for use in the Medical Industry as it is manufactured to ISO 10993 standards. There is no standards for Athletic Tape, and this means most Athletic Tape brands will be made from toxic materials, including questionable chemicals in the adhesive. Some big brand athletic tape adhesives even contain carcinogenic ingredients, and keep in mind, this tape is stuck to your skin. When it comes to tape application, know that application instructions will differ depending on the injury you are suffering from. We have application instructions for all injuries. Medical Knee Taping is definitely helpful for injuries such as IT Band Syndrome, all ligament injuries (tears/partial tears), patella dislocation/strain, inner/outer support and more. Here is an example of tape application for inner knee joint support. Surgery, Rehabilitation and Healing Knee Exercises If you have undergone knee surgery and are looking for rehabilitation information, click here. Increasing flexibility and strength in the knee is a key component to speed healing and avoid re-injury. For this reason, we have created ebooks that outline specific knee exercises / stretches for our clients undergoing knee injury recovery. Even when you're injured and in pain you need to keep moving to break-up scar tissue that's forming in your tendons and ligaments in you knee. Moving when you're injured is hard. Since moving while injured can be painful most people think it's better to stop moving, rest their knee and hope that their knee injury will heal all on its' own. Even though rest is important to recovery, too much rest during the recovery process will increase the amount of scar tissue in you knee. BFST® knee treatments combined with a proper knee stretching regimen will help decrease scar tissue growth while increasing elasticity and strength in the knee joint. During the healing process your body will fill in soft tissue tears with dense, brittle tissue called "scar tissue". The human body will use scar tissue as a temporary solution and will try to build the scar tissue as fast as possible to heal a tears in the soft tissue. Scar tissue can form fast to bring together the edges of a tear, but working fast doesn't mean that the job's done right. When scar tissue forms it doesn't come together as neatly as regular (healthy) tendon/ligament tissue would. Scar tissue fibers will lay down over top of your tear in a cluttered, messy and jumbled up way. Knee Joint Atrophy in the knee is arguably a bigger issue than scar tissue. Whether you have a knee injury or have recently had a knee operation, you will find that the joint has a more limited range of motion than you had before. In most cases, this is due to atrophy - the shortening of connective tissue in the knee due to inactivity. In cases where atrophy exists, it is very important to stretch and do gentle exercise to nip this problem in the bud before it becomes a chronic (long-lasting) issue. If you are currently recovering from a knee injury speak with your physician about stretches and exercise. The ebooks (pdf format) shown below are $4 each and the Meniscus ROM Ebook is $6. When done properly under recommendation of a physician, knee stretches have a proven track record of assisting in the speedy recovery of many patients. This is without doubt, the third and final essential tool for complete knee injury recovery. Once a patient deals with the swelling and inflammation through use of the ColdCure Wrap® then begins the BFST® process by using home treatment with the BFST Wrap®, all the while utilizing Medical Support Tape to keep stress off the injury. Once the injury has healed, it is time to take the third and final step to recovery by beginning a knee rehabilitation stretching regimen. We have had many medical professionals and pro athletes call or write to tell us about their positive healing experiences after using our Inferno Wraps®, Freezie Wraps® and Support Tape in their medical practice and on the playing field. To begin, we have been working with a Therapist from a V.A. Hospital in Oklahoma for the past couple of years, helping her patients overcome a number of physical ailments. This therapist often refers her patients to us so they can order their therapy products to use in conjunction with the therapy they receive from the V.A. Hospital. Over the years, we have offered strong support in helping military personnel, active and retired, manage the challenging physical injuries they face. We welcome those, who are serving or have served, and are dealing with painful injuries and physical conditions to contact us to see how we can help. Another satisfied customer of ours is a Certified Rehabilitation Nurse by the name of Ann. She was so impressed with the ease of use and the results she achieved with the Inferno Wrap®, that she decided to send us a testimonial as well. The feedback we have received from so many people who have used our treatment options as part of their healing therapy has been overwhelmingly positive. It can take a comprehensive approach when dealing with serious pain and discomfort...and the Inferno Wrap® and Freezie Wrap® certainly play critical roles in this aspect. If you're tired of being told that resting, drugs and surgery are the only answers to your knee pain...Be optimistic, because there are effective alternatives for you. We will never claim our products will work for everyone. That is simply impossible to achieve. Everyone has a different capacity for healing and different circumstances behind their pain and discomfort. But what I can say is this...we have helped tens of thousands of patients in the past six years. During this time, our refund rate has held steady at an astonishingly low 6%. That means that for every 100 people who try our products, 94 of these individuals should be experiencing moderate to significant relief. The odds are certainly in your favor that you too will achieve relief from much of the pain and inflammation that is currently burdening your lifestyle. This fact alone speaks volumes to the effectiveness of our solutions. Based on feedback we do receive, the reason for the low return rate comes down to two factors... High quality components & strict manufacturing standards Our line of products were designed in-house and we have full control over the production process. This gives us the ability to source higher-end components and to implement design enhancements fairly quickly. Our customers are always providing feedback to us and we work hard to meet many of their suggestions. This is how our company has grown to be so successful. Help is Available from Trained MendMeShop Advisors 7 days a Week by Toll Free Phone or Email You are never alone when making a purchase from us. When we say we stand behind our products, we truly mean it! MendMyKnee employs a well trained Product Specialist team. They are here to help you develop a personalized plan to overcome your pain and discomfort. All it takes is a 5 minute call or a quick email. Product specialists are available every day of the week - 8:00 am to 10:00 pm Eastern Standard Time on weekdays and between 11:00 am and 6:00pm on Saturdays and Sundays. If a question or concern arises, they are available to help. North America Toll Free 1-866-237-9608 Outside North America +1-705-445-3505 After making a purchase from us, I would encourage you to take advantage of this added benefit as we have seen firsthand the thousands of people that have been helped. There is no cost for this service, so you really have nothing to lose and everything to gain. To hear what our customers have been saying about our products, check out our product reviews. These reviews are success stories that are typical of our customers - these are not the exceptions. These reviews have been left by verified, real users without any compensation for doing so. They are just happy with what our products have done for them and they want to share it with you. In fact, every day we get calls from people who just want to say how happy they are with our products and service. These products don't just work for a few people; they work like magic for an overwhelming amount of the people who buy them. Right after you place an order, call or email us and we will have a plan developed immediately so you will be able to get started upon arrival of your parcel. We can't promise you miraculous results, however, we do promise to do everything we can to help you with your condition. Everything you have read up to now has hopefully given you some hope. However, words are meaningless unless a company stands strongly behind the products they sell. This is what sets us apart from others...we offer people a comprehensive, 60 day, full 100% money back guarantee. We take on all of the risk because we know our products work well for the overwhelming majority of people who purchase them. Guarantee #1 Use your products diligently for up to 60 days and you will experience a significant reduction in pain. If not, I encourage you to send back the items for a no-hassle 100% refund. Guarantee #2 You will not be left in the dark after purchasing any product form us. MendMyKnee Advisors and Product Specialists are available 7 days a week by toll free phone or email to answer your questions or concerns. Guarantee #3 Your order is guaranteed to be shipped within 24 hours on every business day. Guarantee #4 All purchases receive a one year, full replacement warranty with guaranteed, prompt service. Guarantee #5 You could save hundreds of dollars and possibly more, by utilizing our products, and getting back to work sooner. Guarantee #6 Everything You Read on this Site is Absolutely True. Unlike us, companies not registered by the FDA can state anything they want about their products. Because we are FDA registered, you can rest assured that these products do exactly what we say they do. Overall, we are able to be cost effective and value oriented due to two major reasons: Word is spreading and as a result, our sales are increasing. With this increase, we can achieve economies of scale...meaning we receive the best component pricing because our volume is high. We keep our overhead costs low by selling only on-line versus setting up costly distribution channels offline. Think about it – you can now have the ability to treat your meniscus or knee pain from the comfort of your own home. Best of all, you are fully protected when making a purchase from us as we offer a no-hassle 60 day, full money back guarantee. There are two options you have to get our products into your hands as soon as possible: 1. You may place your order on-line through our ultra-secure website by clicking the image below 2. Or, Call Our Office. We are open 7 days a week to allow you place an order over the phone. Simply call toll free 1-888-995-3505 to place an order with one of our knowledgeable Product Advisors. They have the ability to answer all your questions...ensuring you only receive the products you need. Product Advisors are available every day of the week - 8:00 am to 10:00 pm Eastern Standard Time on weekdays and between 11:00 am and 6:00pm on Saturdays and Sundays. North America Toll Free 1-866-237-9608 Outside North America +1-705-445-3505 I can understand that some people are hesitant to use their credit card on-line. This is why we give people an option to order over the phone by calling toll free 1-866-237-9608. However, to help ease fears of ordering on-line, there are a few points that should be noted. First, MendMyKnee has extensive security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse, unauthorized access and alteration of customer information. In fact, we have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars over the past 4 years in hardware, software, and programming to ensure that on-line transaction are kept safe and secure. Our on-line shop is located on a very secure server and we conduct security testing every day of the week to ensure all facets of our security system are fully optimized. Furthermore, we have gone the extra step of hiring a specialized on-line security company (Comodo) to test the security of our shop on a daily basis. This double testing ensures customers that protection of their information is given the highest priority. Now for the most comforting news of all...we keep no credit card data on file. Once the transaction is completed, the credit information disappears from our internal systems. As you can see, ordering from us is a very easy and safe process, no matter if choosing to order on-line or over the phone. Living with pain is never easy as it affects your entire lifestyle. Nothing is more important than making the proper decision when it comes to treating your knee pain. Most methods only mask the problems or provide temporary relief; they do not treat the pain at its source. MendMyKnee stands out in this regard as our goal is to help you heal for the longer-term. The bottom line is, you are welcome to try our products for a full 2 months. If you do not receive the benefits that others have experienced, simply return your purchase back to us and we will issue a prompt & full refund. There will be no hassle and no hard feelings. Once again, to take advantage of our generous offer, simply click on the image below or call the office toll free 1-866-237-9608 (from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm Eastern time on weekdays and between 11:00 am and 6:00pm on Saturdays and Sundays). If you are still uncertain which route to go or if you would like to discuss issues affecting your knee, meniscus, acl, mcl pcl, chondromalacia, hyper-extension, bursitis or other soft tissue injuries, then do not hesitate to contact a MendMyKnee Advisor immediately by phone or email. North America Toll Free 1-866-237-9608 Outside North America +1-705-445-3505 Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 10:00 pm (Eastern Standard Time) Saturday & Sunday 11:00 am to 6:00 pm (Eastern Standard Time) MendMyKnee advisors do not work on commission, so be assured you will only receive fair and objective information. Original article and pictures take http://www.mendmyknee.com/ site
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