суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diet

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diet

A chronic fatigue syndrome diet is hard to select as every person is different. It is important, however, that you make changes to your diet gradually. When you suffer from chronic fatigue system, your body is already taxed. Changes in diets, even to a chronic fatigue syndrome specific diet, can cause your symptoms to become worse until your body has had a chance to adjust to the new diet. This can make adapting to a new lifestyle and new diet even more difficult than it already is. When you are establishing your chronic fatigue syndrome diet, there are several things that you need to keep in mind. There are foods that are both good and bad for your health. You need to eliminate the foods that are bad for your health and balance in the foods that are good for your health. In some cases, this may mean you need to completely alter your diet. If your diet is currently composed of foods unsuitable for a chronic fatigue syndrome diet, you will want to begin by adding in foods that are good for your diet. Then, you need to remove foods that are not good for your chronic fatigue syndrome diet. Below, you will find a list of foods that should be avoided when you are establishing your chronic fatigue syndrome diet. 1: High-Calorie Foods Fast food and greasy foods may be tempting, but you need to stay away from the high calorie foods. These foods will trigger an increase of chronic fatigue symptoms. 2: Fried foods Fried foods, as well as foods high in saturated fats, are believed to be triggers for an increase of symptoms. 3: Refined Sugars If you must have sugars in your diet, go for natural sugar that has not been processed. 4: Aspartame and MSG Avoid these two flavor enhancers. They can stimulate parts of the body that then trigger an outbreak of symptoms. 5: Tobacco For smokers, chronic fatigue syndrome causes a great deal of problems. Tobacco products can aggitate your symptoms and contribute to making you feel miserable. 6: Caffeine While caffeine does not directly trigger symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome, it can alter your sleeping patterns. Avoid caffeine whenever possible. 7: Alcohol and other mood changing substances Any substance known for changing your mood should be avoided. A chronic fatigue syndrome diet is designed to help control your moods, stress levels and help your body recover. Alcohol directly counters this and can cause significant problems, including depression. Original article and pictures take http://www.chronicfatiguefighter.info/chronic-fatigue-syndrome-diet/ site

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