Doctors Have Been Using These Tools To Heal Hip Strains And Treat Many Hip Injuries For Years... Now You Can Heal Yourself At Home! It Is Now Possible To: Heal your injured hip faster Quickly relieve the pain in your hip Heal more completely without internal scar tissue Avoid re-injuring your hip joint in the future ...but only if you treat your injury correctly! There are options for a vastly improved level of treatment for hip injuries and chronic hip pain. For sufferers of Hip Bursitis, Sciatica, Arthritis, Snapping Hip Syndrome or other hip conditions it is not necessary to face months or years of horrible pain. Professional athletes with the same injuries as the general public are typically back in a matter of days while the typical person's injury lingers on forever. With proper treatment, anyone can heal an injured hip faster and significantly reduce the pain associated with the injury. "Swelling and Pain Have Been Dramatically Reduced In My Hip" I have used the Hip inferno device for 9 days now. The results so far are great. I have bursitis and have been getting injections which were helping less and less. With your product, the pain has lessened dramatically. The swelling has gone down as well as the tingling and the numbness in my hip. This is remarkable and welcomed relief as I have a vacation planned in 2 weeks and now I can't wait. You spoke to me on the phone about a back product as I have chronic back pain from an L5-S1 Spondylolisthesis. I can't remember which but if you can suggest it again I would like to try it. S. Jennings, Pennsylvania USA Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] Hip injuries are very common and they can persist for years unless treatment is properly addressed. Anyone can experience a strained hip, not just professional baseball and football athletes. Hip injuries are quite common, often the result of a quick blow to the hip joint or through years of common movements such as climbing stairs or from sports such as golfing or skiing. Regardless of how the injury happens, a hip injury is painful and the joint can feel very unstable. Hip injuries can persist for years and can impede your ability to perform many common tasks that you probably took for granted before the injury. Recovery can take a long time but proper healing is essential to regain strength and get you back to the activities you enjoy. The hip joint is a ball and socket joint cushioned by cartilage and held together by muscle groups and ligaments responsible for moving the leg in multiple directions. These muscle groups help stabilize the joint as the leg moves. Once one or more of the hip muscles or ligaments are injured it becomes very difficult to recover 100%. It is almost impossible to keep from re-straining the injury because it is nearly impossible to keep your legs from moving unless you are encased in a cast from the waist to your foot. It's just not possible to stop everything and rest the injury properly. What ends up happening is we continually re-injure the hip through our daily activities, further setting back our recovery. It is almost impossible to keep from re-straining your injured hip because even when the pain is gone you still are not fully healed. But, when the pain disappears, that's when we start using our hip normally again even though it isn't fully healed. It's just not possible to stop everything and rest the injury properly. Everyone has demands that make them keep going and when we are active, we prevent the hip from healing completely. We continually re-injure the area through our daily activities which can often lead to hip surgery or hip arthritis of the shoulder later in life. Constant re-injury (you know when it's happening, you can feel the pain) needs to be avoided at all costs. Obviously, it delays the healing process, but what's worse is that every re-injury and additional healing cycle increases the amount of scar tissue that builds up in the area of your original hip injury (the ischiofemoral ligament, for instance). Scar tissue is hard, inflexible, and tough to get rid of. The more scar tissue that develops, the more you lose the range of motion in your hip. The more scar tissue that develops, the more likely you will wind up permanently injured with chronic pain or arthritis. Scar tissue means that your hip will not perform as well as it once did and it makes it much more prone to injury later on. If you have a Hip Injury, it's important to heal it quickly and completely. If you don't, it may plague you forever. If you have inflammation in your hip bursae, tendons, ligaments or in the muscles surrounding the hip joint, it's very important to heal it quickly and completely. You must avoid the build up of scar tissue. If you don't, your hip injury may plague you forever. This is where pro athletes have the advantage. They use therapeutic tools to speed their healing so that they are 100% healed before they resume their sport. Even once they return to the sport, they use these tools constantly to heal any recurring tendon or ligament damage before it can build into something big. For professional athletes, having the right tools means all the difference. For the rest of us having the right tools should be just as important. These tools are what you need for rapid healing. These are the tools that top professional athletes use to heal their injuries every single day. And just like the professional athletes, you can treat yourself at home. In fact, if you want to heal properly you have to treat yourself because you need to treat your injury every single day. Hip ligaments and tendons are tough dense tissue that naturally receive very little blood flow. During normal use, activity promotes blood flow through our body sending oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to the muscles, tendons, ligaments and surrounding tissue. This is blood flow that your hip doesn't receive when at rest. This is largely why hip and pelvis injuries take so long to heal. As one of the most active parts in your body, the constant motion is what keeps the blood flowing through that area. When you rest, like you have to when your injured, the lack of activity and the edema (swelling) restricts your blood flow when you need it the most. You need to reduce the swelling and stimulate the blood flow so your hip gets the nutrition and oxygen it needs to properly heal. A Back/Hip Inferno Wrap® is the most effective way of promoting blood flow when your body is at rest, but you need to get the swelling down first. A Cold Compression Freezie Wrap® reduces inflammation and soothes the damaged tissue. When used in combination, these two modalities provide all the necessary treatments to reduce the pain of your injured hip and promote fast and complete healing of the hip joint. If you have a bad hip injury or chronic pain in the hip, you can heal quickly if you treat your injury correctly. That means using the right therapies every single day. Here's how they work! Promoting blood flow around an injured area to help the body heal itself is a concept that has been utilized for centuries. Oxygen and nutrients, carried within the blood, are critical for the body to heal itself. Without proper blood flow, recovering from an injury or condition will be delayed...sometimes for a very long period of time. Even though the concept is simple, improving blood flow can be difficult. When the injury is hip related, the challenges are even greater. Traditional methods require your hip to move to promote blood flow, but that same motion that promotes blood flow can also lead to making your pain and condition worse. Have you re-injured your hip doing light exercises/stretching? How many times in the past have you aggravated your hip just trying to perform basic tasks around the home? Is your hip injury preventing you from activities you love to do? Most people we deal with tell us these scenarios have happened to them many times in the past. The real challenge is how to promote blood flow to the hip without causing further injury? This goal is further complicated by the fact the hip is involved in the majority of the physical movements we perform each day. Back, upper leg and hip pain can be interconnected and are often experienced in conjunction with one another. Many of the muscles that surround the hips are connected to muscles in the lower back, which in turn connect to the hamstring and elsewhere in the body. An injury to one of these regions usually leads to straining in other areas, making an overall recovery hard to initiate. People tend to "chase the pain", meaning they only focus on treating an area that is actively painful, while not taking into account the fact they other areas of the body will be overcompensating...eventually leading to issues in those areas as well. In order to provide long lasting relief from your hip pain, you need to identify all the factors that are contributing to it. These factors can include muscle imbalances, short leg syndrome, herniated discs, trauma and tightness to surrounding muscle and soft tissue, etc. The list is certainly significant and it can be frustrating for people who may have no idea where to begin. Attempting to treat all of these factors can become costly as different areas of the body often require different modalities in order to properly treat them...that is, prior to the development of the Back/Hip Inferno Wrap®. The Inferno Wrap® was designed with flexibility and versatility in mind to allow anyone to treat multiple areas of the body, for a wide variety of ailments. The truth is that our technology is proprietary and it stands alone to be what we believe is the most effective Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy™ available. More than 15 years of experience in the field of carbon fiber materials led to the development of the Inferno Wrap®. Not only do we have our own in-house team of experts, we also hire top engineers worldwide to continually improve upon the production and quality control processes. State of the art production facilities combined with a comprehensive, 7-step quality control process ensures you will receive a product that is designed to be safe and does what it is suppose to do...quickly relieve pain and aid in the recovery from hip related conditions. Using the Inferno Wrap® is truly a unique experience. Within moments of applying an Inferno Wrap® to your hip, you can feel the healing sensation due to the increase in blood flow deep within the area. During a treatment, and for quite some time after you finish, your injured hip tendons, ligaments, bursa and muscles will feel gently warmed and more relaxed. It's a very soothing sensation and extremely effective. Inferno Wraps® contain a patented Energy Web® which is flexible and shaped to conform to your body. This Energy Web® emits a uniform wave of perfectly safe electromagnetic energy over its entire surface. This energy travels deep inside to the soft tissue in your hip and stimulates the blood flow needed to heal your injury. It is the electromagnetic energy that is crucial to the healing process. Electromagnetic energy waves are not heat waves. When they are emitted from the Inferno Wrap® they penetrate right through your skin and fat layers until they get to your ligaments, muscles, and tendons. Once they reach the injured area, they are absorbed and quickly converted into heat energy... right at the location of the injury. While the concept of electromagnetic energy is slowly catching on in North America, the truth is, it is a technology that has been utilized in other societies for decades. Over the past 30 years, researchers in Japan and China have completed extensive studies on the use of the modality and their findings have been impressive. In addition, success has been reported in studies from countries such as Sweden and Germany. Research is continuing and soon, much of North America will know what the Far East and Europe has known for a long time; electromagnetic energy provides a wide range of health benefits for those not only suffering from hip injuries, but for many other ailments as well. This in turn improves white blood cell function which increases the body's ability to eliminate toxins and other cellular waste by-products resulting from damaged tissue within the hip. This allows the hip to more easily initiate the self healing process. Many hip injuries are the result of trauma to a tendon or muscle, usually causing the tissue to tear. As a result of the tear, your body triggers a natural healing process resulting in pain, inflammation, and the creation of scar tissue. This process has 3 steps; getting rid of cellular waste while repairing damaged cells (inflammation), fixing the torn tissue with a "band-aid" solution (remodeling), and reinforcing that band-aid solution with flexible tissue (proliferation). You can speed your recovery while decreasing any risk of re-injuring the tissue by enhancing your body’s own natural process of "tissue regeneration". Once inflammation has been reduced, scar tissue begins to form to repair the torn tissue. Scar tissue is much faster to build than flexible tissue, but it can only repair the torn tissue temporarily. Left untreated, the scar tissue provides little flexibility increasing the risk of re-injury. Treatment with the Back/Hip Inferno Wrap® speeds healing by strengthening your body’s "band-aid" solution (scar tissue). The stimulation of blood flow around torn tissue helps the body to build scar tissue that is more flexible than normal scar tissue. Introducing more blood flow will even build this healthier scar tissue faster! This means you won't have to suffer from re-injury and delays in recovery that cause further pain and waste both time and money. This is a very important point. Many people with hip conditions often re-injure their hip due to the fact the damaged muscle or soft tissue is tight and the range of motion of the hip is restricted. Even the most minor of activities can cause the hip to strain, sprain, or even tear. Every time this happens, your recovery is delayed. This is why using the Inferno Wrap® not only now, but also into the future, is wise. The energy emitted from the Inferno Wrap® is absorbed by the deep tissue, gently warming it, and thereby increasing the elasticity...all without risk of causing further harm and greatly reducing your chances of re-injury. Electromagnetic energy, the technology the Inferno Wrap® is based on, has been shown to reduce pain sensation by direct action on the sciatic nerve - slowing the velocity of pain signals that travel up and down the nerve. In addition, electromagnetic energy applied to muscles and soft tissue that surround the sciatic nerve will help them become more loose, alleviating the tightness which usually leads to nerve compression and the subsequent pain it produces. Osteoarthritis in the hip occurs when the articular cartilage begins to degenerate. Over time, the head of the femur (upper leg bone) rubs against the acetabular fossa (hip socket) with little or no protection from the articular cartilage. This lead to pain in the hip joint. The space within the joint starts to decrease without the cushioning and stiffness in the hip becomes a problem. The Inferno Wrap® excels at generating a soothing energy that is pushed deep into the joint, allowing for less stiffness and better range-of-motion. Overall, you will get the benefits of a stronger immune system and a faster ability to heal hip muscle and soft tissue injuries such as sprains, strains, and tissue tears. Use the Inferno Wrap® before activity to prevent further injury, before bed to prevent tightness from setting in during the night, and again in the morning to make your tired body come alive. Believe me when I say this; words alone cannot accurately describe what the Inferno Wrap® can do for you. It truly is something you need to experience first-hand. While the concept of electromagnetic energy is slowly catching on in North America, the truth is, it is a technology that has been utilized in other societies for decades. Over the past 30 years, researchers in Japan and China have completed extensive studies on the use of the modality and their findings have been impressive. In addition, success has been reported in studies from countries such as Sweden and Germany. Research is continuing and soon, much of North America will know what the Far East and Europe has known for a long time; electromagnetic energy provides a wide range of health benefits for those not only suffering from knee injuries, but for many other ailments as well. The Inferno Wrap®, also known as a BFST® Wrap, is an FDA Registered Medical Device and is suitable for use in hospitals and therapeutic clinics. Since it is completely safe for patients to use themselves, these are now available for use at home. Like the Freezie Wrap®, the Inferno Wrap® shell is made of medical grade neoprene. This neoprene shell helps shape the flexible Energy Web® to mold around the contours of the joint, ensuring there is an even distribution of safe, electromagnetic energy within the coverage area. Once treatment is complete, you also have the option of tightening the straps to provide light compression support for your injured joint. You can also unplug the device from the power supply enabling you to move around the home, office or clinic freely and still use the wrap for support and comfort. The bottom line is...you achieve a more complete treatment with the Inferno Wrap®. Not only are you treating and reversing damage to hip, you are also soothing and stimulating the surrounding muscle and soft tissue, thereby reducing your chances of suffering secondary injuries. In the early days or weeks of your hip injury, the inflammation you experience is part to your body's reaction to try to immobilize the injured area. Unfortunately, this inflammation also strains the surrounding tissue and causes pain. Cold Compression Freezie Wraps® provide support and reduce inflammation giving your body the cooling therapy it needs without the usual pain. Freezie Wraps® work because they interrupt and slow nerve and cell function in the damaged area. Once blood vessels are damaged they can no longer carry oxygenated blood to the damaged tissue and therefore cells begin to break-down. The deep cold provided by the Freezie Wrap® slow cell function thereby reducing cellular break-down. Furthermore, because the Freezie Wrap® serves to numb the nerves, the wraps also reduce pain! Freezie Wraps® also play a secondary role during the recovery cycle by controlling flare-ups of inflammation for those who are dealing with bursitis, tendonitis or Illotibial Band Syndrome. Typically, these flare-ups occur after activities that stress the hip, which may simply be walking, exercise, or sitting for extended periods of time. Cold compression wraps are the de-facto standard for treatment of inflammation and pain. On an injured hip, the Freezie Wrap® will immediately reduce the risk of further damage from increased swelling. The Hip Freezie Wrap® provides compression and decreases the temperature in the back of the foot from the heel up. All medical professionals agree that controlling the swelling of an injury is a fundamental necessity in reducing long term (chronic) permanent damage obtained from soft tissue injuries and the use of a cold compression wrap is the first step that should be taken to seize control of this type of injury. The premium compression wrap: Has adjustable straps for a fit that you control to your personal level of comfort and compression. Fits conveniently over or under clothes so you can wear it and carry on with your day - try doing this with a towel full of ice tied to your hip. Is breathable enough for you to wear all day – with or without the gel pack. Is made of premium, medical grade neoprene that won't stretch out of shape over time. Is made of strong yet slim material so it can fit beneath your clothes in most cases (if you are wearing body hugging pants or jeans... well, we can't work miracles!). Acts as an insulator to help maintain the cooling power even longer. The ColdCure Technology® Hip Freezie Wrap® is a medical grade cold compression wrap. This wrap has been designed for an industrial standard of usage, specifically for physical therapists, hospitals and physician's clinics. Know that this is a safe medical grade product with an extremely long lifespan. In fact, each Freezie Wrap® is made to last for years, meaning it will most assuredly outlast your injury - even if you use it constantly. Once you hold one in your hands, you will quickly discover the Freezie Wrap® is unlike any other cold compression wrap out there. First of all, you will notice the weight of the Freezie Wrap®. Each one of our Freezie Wrap® gel packs contain a special formulation of gel (called RigiGel®) that provides more cooling power per pound than standard cold compression wraps. They contain more gel than other wraps, meaning each time you put on a Freezie Wrap® it will keep your injured area cold for a longer period; pain relief is enhanced and swelling is better controlled. Each Freezie Wrap® you order will come with 3 large cold packs - allowing long term use in clinical settings as well as the ability to always have a fully charged pack on hand at home. Some of our clients use the Hip Freezie Wrap® at home and work, keeping a spare pack charging the fridge or freezer at the office and home! RigiGel® has a unique formula that never freezes rock solid even after being in the freezer for extended periods of time. RigiGel® can be chilled in the freezer AND remain ice cold for the duration of your treatment. It's the specially formulated gel technology that makes the Freezie Wrap® unique. In addition, every Freezie Wrap® is made of high quality, medical grade neoprene that gives you superior, adjustable compression. Our Freezie Wraps® are made of the highest quality materials, fit perfectly, stay in place, are extremely durable, and are filled with special non-migrating RigiGel®. What is non-migrating gel? It’s special gel that will not move when pressure is applied. It will stay in place when you place it on your ankle and will work to provide you with cold compression throughout the course of the treatment. The gel is so strong you can even stand on it and it won’t move! This is important when applying pressure to a achilles injury. You want the cold where you need it, you want to guarantee the cold stays in place! And our non-migrating gel will do just that! You need to apply cold pressure to your injured hip and you need the cold gel to stay in place over your inflammation. This does not happen when using more traditional cold therapy techniques. In contrast, our Freezie Wraps® use a special non-migrating gel that is soft to the touch but doesn't flow under pressure. This means that the gel stays in place over the area you are treating when pressure is applied. This is very important - you want the pressure on the affected area and you want the cold there too. You also need it to be soft and comfortable because your hip is still tender! With our specially formulated non-migrating soft gel, you get it all. Every Freezie Wrap® is made of high quality, medical grade neoprene that gives you superior, adjustable compression for your ankle. Our Freezie Wraps® fit perfectly and are extremely durable. They support the muscles and tendons of the joint while gently applying pressure to your inflamed tendon at the same time. The unique design with a properly shaped non-migrating gel pack keeps the cold over the entire injured area. Simply pop them into the fridge (or freezer) when not in use and you can re-use them time and again. We have had many medical professionals and pro athletes call or write to tell us about their positive healing experiences after using our Inferno Wraps®, Freezie Wraps® and Knee-Flex® devices in their medical practice and on the playing field. To begin, we have been working with a Therapist from a V.A. Hospital in Oklahoma for the past couple of years, helping her patients overcome a number of physical ailments. This therapist often refers her patients to us so they can order their therapy products to use in conjunction with the therapy they receive from the V.A. Hospital. Over the years, we have offered strong support in helping military personnel, active and retired, manage the challenging physical injuries they face. We welcome those, who are serving or have served, and are dealing with painful injuries and physical conditions to contact us to see how we can help. Even one of the premier wide receivers in the NFL, Steve Smith from the NY Giants, has benefited from our products. Steve purchased an Inferno Wrap® from us before the start of the 2009 football season when he was suffering from a strained tendon. As you know, professional football is a very demanding sport. This is especially true for wide receivers, who engage in numerous movements that stress many areas of the body, including the hip, legs, knees, and ankles. Even though great demands are placed upon the body, athletes are expected to be on the playing field game after game...a quick and thorough recovery from injuries is critical. As Steve Smith found out, the Inferno Wrap® can play a helpful role in the process. Am I saying the Inferno Wrap® was the primary reason why Steve Smith recovered? Not at all, but I am certain it played an important role. You may be wondering how I can come up with that conclusion. Well, it is simply due to the fact that Steve forwarded us a testimonial not long after using the Inferno Wrap®. Pro athletes do not take the process of providing testimonials lightly. They are constantly bombarded with requests and they are not willing to stake their name or reputation on products that do not work. Here is what Steve said about the Inferno Wrap®... Another satisfied customer of ours is a Certified Rehabilitation Nurse by the name of Ann. She was so impressed with the ease of use and the results she achieved with the Inferno Wrap®, that she decided to send us a testimonial as well. The feedback we have received from so many people who have used our innovative products as part of their healing therapy has been overwhelmingly positive. It can take a comprehensive approach when dealing with most forms of pain and discomfort...and the Freezie® and Inferno® wraps certainly play critical roles in this aspect. I myself am a skeptical person, but if I know pro athletes and medical professionals are using a certain product and experiencing success with it, then that piques my interest. Both of these groups do extensive research before purchasing and using medical-type devices, and that says alot for the products we offer. The bottom line is...professionals in the world of medicine and sports do not stake their hard earned reputations on products that do not work. It is an amazing statistic! Over half of the people who contact us about hip pain haven't a clue about the true causes of their discomfort. A big reason is that they have been following traditional advice that is sometimes more geared towards providing short-term relief without a strong focus on the long-term essentials. People tell us all the time, "I was told that if I stay off my feet for a few weeks, my hip pain will disappear for good." The truth is, hip pain is usually a culmination of numerous factors, which include repetitive stress, short leg syndrome, and overcompensation issues resulting from other muscle and soft tissue ailments. It may take weeks or months for these hip pain triggers to surface, but when they do, merely resting will not solve the underlying issues. You need to utilize options that actually treat the source of the pain and help reverse the damage that has been done. Resting has a role to play, but it is only one small factor in a recovery plan. The issue we find with cortisone injections is that people get a false sense that they are healing because they are not experiencing the pain they once did. Some individuals even engage in activities they should not be doing because they "no longer feel pain". What happens...when the effects of the cortisone wear off in mere days or a few weeks, people find they have done more damage to the hip. This of course, results in a prolonged recovery. Merely masking the pain is not a solution; it is just a temporary fix. Cortisone does not provide a permanent contribution to any stage of healing. This is where MendMyHip stands out...we do not sell products that are intended to mask pain, we only provide solutions designed to provide sustainable benefits to break the chain of re-aggravation and on-going discomfort. While we tout the benefits of physical therapy and believe it to be integral for most sufferers of hip pain, the problem is people can only attend sessions a few times a week. To truly provide a long term solution to your hip pain, you should be receiving treatment on a daily basis. Generally speaking, treatments one would receive for hip pain are cumulative in nature...meaning the more the treatments are administered, the faster the benefits can be experienced. Who these days has time to visit a therapist on a daily basis? Not only is your time limited, but the cost of daily physical therapy sessions is out of reach for most people. We are unique in the fact we provide industrial options for the average home user. Every product we provide was designed in-house...with safety and effectiveness at the forefront. With over 52,000 users worldwide and growing each day, we can say our solutions are now well proven. If you're tired of being told that resting, dangerous drugs and surgery are the only answers to your hip pain...Be optimistic, because there are effective alternatives for you. We will never claim our products will work for everyone. That is simply impossible to achieve. Everyone has a different capacity for healing and different circumstances behind their pain and discomfort. But what I can say is this...we have processed over 52,000 orders in the past six years. During this time, our refund rate has held steady at an astonishingly low 6%. That means that for every 100 people who try our products, 94 of these individuals should be experiencing moderate to significant relief. The odds are certainly in your favor that you too will achieve relief from much of the pain and inflammation that is currently burdening your lifestyle. This fact alone speaks volumes to the effectiveness of our solutions. Based on feedback we do receive, the reason for the low return rate comes down to two factors... High quality components & strict manufacturing standards Our line of products were designed in-house and we have full control over the production process. This gives us the ability to source higher-end components and to implement design enhancements fairly quickly. Our customers are always providing feedback to us and we work hard to meet many of their suggestions. This is how our company has grown to be so successful. Help is Available from Trained MendMeShop Advisors 7 days a Week by Toll Free Phone or Email You are never alone when making a purchase from us. When we say we stand behind our products, we truly mean it! MendMyHip employs a well trained Product Specialist team. They are here to help you develop a personalized plan to overcome your pain and discomfort. All it takes is a 5 minute call or a quick email. Product specialists are available every day of the week - 8:00 am to 9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time on weekdays and between 11:00 am and 6:00pm on Saturdays and Sundays. If a question or concern arises, they are available to help. North America Toll Free 1-866-237-9608 Outside North America +1-705-445-3505 After making a purchase from us, I would encourage you to take advantage of this added benefit as we have seen firsthand the thousands of people that have been helped. There is no cost for this service, so you really have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Would you like to see an example of how we go the extra mile in helping customers? Read this incredible letter we received from Vicki Wilkins, an individual who spent over a decade dealing with hip pain. MendmyHip helped when all other avenues seemingly failed. I will let the letter speak for itself. Right after you place an order, call or email us and we will have a plan developed immediately so you will be able to get started upon arrival of your parcel. We can't promise you will experience the same results as Vicki, however, we do promise to do everything we can to make it happen. Everything you have read up to now has hopefully given you some hope. However, words are meaningless unless a company stands strongly behind the products they sell. This is what sets us apart from others...we offer people a comprehensive, 60 day, full 100% money back guarantee. We take on all of the risk because we know our products work well for the overwhelming majority of people who purchase them...over 52,000 people at last count. Guarantee #1 Use your products diligently for up to 60 days and you will experience a significant reduction in pain. If not, I encourage you to send back the items for a no-hassle 100% refund. Guarantee #2 You will not be left in the dark after purchasing any product form us. MendMyHip Advisors and Product Specialists are available 7 days a week by toll free phone or email to answer your questions or concerns. Guarantee #3 Your order is guaranteed to be shipped within 24 hours on every business day. Guarantee #4 All purchases receive a one year, full replacement warranty with guaranteed, prompt service. Guarantee #5 You will save hundreds of dollars, possibly even more, by utilizing our products in comparison to attending treatments at a physical therapy clinic. You will likely agree that our products sounds encouraging at this point, however, you may be thinking the solutions we provide are going to cost a small fortune. Well, I am here to say nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, you can get started for less than the cost of a few physical therapy treatments. Overall, we are able to be cost effective and value oriented due to two major reasons: Word is spreading and as a result, our sales are increasing. With this increase, we can achieve economies of scale...meaning we receive the best component pricing because our volume is high. We keep our overhead costs low by selling only on-line versus setting up costly distribution channels offline. Think about it – you can now have the ability to treat your hip pain from the comfort of your own home while saving money in the process. Best of all, you are fully protected when making a purchase from us as we offer a no-hassle 60 day, full money back guarantee. By Now, You Must Be Wondering How to Take Advantage of Our Advanced Therapies to Treat Hip Pain There are two options you have to get our products into your hands as soon as possible: 1. You may place your order on-line through our ultra-secure website by clicking the image below 2. Our office is open 7 days a week to allow you place an order over the phone. Simply call toll free 1-866-237-9608 to place an order with one of our knowledgeable Product Advisors. They have the ability to answer all your questions...ensuring you only receive the products you need. Product Advisors are available every day of the week - 8:00 am to 9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time on weekdays and between 11:00 am and 6:00pm on Saturdays and Sundays. North America Toll Free 1-866-237-9608 Outside North America +1-705-445-3505 I can understand that some people are hesitant to use their credit card on-line. This is why we give people an option to order over the phone by calling toll free 1-866-237-9608. However, to help ease fears of ordering on-line, there are a few points that should be noted. First, MendMyHip has extensive security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse, unauthorized access and alteration of customer information. In fact, we have invested around $200,000 over the past 4 years in hardware, software, and programming to ensure that on-line transaction are kept safe and secure. Our on-line shop is located on a very secure server and we conduct security testing every day of the week to ensure all facets of our security system are fully optimized. Furthermore, we have gone the extra step of hiring a specialized on-line security company (Comodo) to test the security of our shop on a daily basis. This double testing ensures customers that protection of their information is given the highest priority. Now for the most comforting news of all...we keep no credit card data on file. Once the transaction is completed, the credit information disappears from our internal systems. As you can see, ordering from us is a very easy and safe process, no matter if choosing to order on-line or over the phone. Living with pain is never easy as it affects your entire lifestyle. Nothing is more important than making the proper decision when it comes to treating your hip pain. Most methods only mask the problems or provide temporary relief; they do not treat the pain at its source. MendMyHip stands out in this regard as our goal is to help you heal for the longer-term. The bottom line is, you are welcome to try our products for a full 2 months. If you do not receive the benefits that others have experienced, simply return your purchase back to us and we will issue a prompt & full refund. There will be no hassle and no hard feelings. Once again, to take advantage of our generous offer, simply click on the image below or call the office toll free 1-866-237-9608 (from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm Eastern time on weekdays and between 11:00 am and 6:00pm on Saturdays and Sundays). If you are still uncertain which route to go or if you would like to discuss issues affecting your hip, then do not hesitate to contact a MendMyHip Advisor immediately by phone or email. North America Toll Free 1-866-237-9608 Outside North America +1-705-445-3505 Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 9:00 pm (Eastern Standard Time) Saturday & Sunday 11:00 am to 6:00 pm (Eastern Standard Time) MendMyHip advisors do not work on commission, so be assured you will only receive fair and objective information. Original article and pictures take http://www.mendmyhip.com/#A1 site
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