Dr. Hardeep Singh Santokh Dr. Hardeep Singh Santokh, is a well-known trained orthopaedic surgeon working in Santokh Hospital, Chandigarh. He has worked at Fortis Hospital, Mohali in Joint Replacement Unit, and assisted over 800 knee and hip replacements and followed them up. He is a renowned joint replacement surgeon, with many year experience of doing various bone and joint surgeries including hip and knee replacements surgeries. He was Senior Resident in Department of Orthopaedics, Dayanand Medical College and Hospital, Ludhiana. Which is a high turnover centre, catering to Joint replacement, trauma and spine surgeries. He has actively taken part in organizing and executing “Operation Walk, Maryland, USA” a joint replacement camp conducted by a team of doctors for USA at DMCH. He was an integral part of Joint replacement camp organized as a 50 year celebration of DMCH, spanning over a month's time. During both these camps he has assisted and performed more than 450 knee and hip replacements jointly with other Consultants. Original article and pictures take http://jointreplacementsurgeon.org/doctors site
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