суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.

9 Butt Exercises Better That Beat Squats

9 Butt Exercises Better That Beat Squats
9 Butt Exercises Better That Beat Squats | Chics Beauty

While it’s true that squats can work your glutes from every angle, they get pretty boring after, oh, a second. It’s why you really can’t sustain a tight tush on squats alone. Besides, there are plenty of variations which, when performed together, could put the basic squat out of business. (You’re welcome.) Ready to, ahem, round out your glute routine? Try these butt moves designed by Chelsea Dornan, a NYC-based personal trainer, and modeled by Brittany Perille Yobe, a certified personal trainer who’s racked up an Instagram following of more than 783,000 people thanks to her butt-centric feed. Repeat each exercise below for 45 seconds to one minute on each side in the order listed, and repeat the entire set up to three times to seriously feel the burn. 1. Single-Leg Glute Bridge Lie on a flat surface with your knees bent and both feet planted on the ground. As you raise one leg straight in the air, thrust your hips off of the ground, creating an arch in your lower back. Be sure to drive through the heel of your foot in order to contract the hamstrings and glutes as you lift off of the ground. Original article and pictures take http://chicsbeauty.com/9-butt-exercises-better-beat-squats/ site

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