What is the Muffin Top ? Muffin Top is the excess weight that hangs over the waist of your jeans and can be very embarrassing. Genetics, aging or hormones are just some of the factors that can trigger fat to accumulate at the sides of a woman’s waistline. Although quickly reducing these Muffin Top requires some lifestyle adjustments, it can better your health, since excess fat around your middle increases your risk of health conditions such as breast cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Instead of focusing on spot reduction, which is impossible, focus on losing fat from your entire body, because this will also reduce that undesired muffin top. Below We listed Some Best & Effective Exercises To Reduce Love Handles (Muffin Top). Exercises To Reduce Muffin Top Fat: 1. Stability Ball Oblique Crunch: How to do: place your feet against a wall for a bit more stabilization, then lay sideways on the ball. The ball should be placed under the lower torso. Extend the body over the ball, then rise back up crunching the abs and obliques. Once you get more comfortable with the exercise, move away from the wall. 2. Bicycle Crunches: How to do: Lie on your back. Put your hands behind your ears. Crunch to the left and bring your right elbow in to meet your left knee. Crunch to the right and bring your left elbow in to meet your right knee. Quickly go back and forth between sides as if you’re pedaling a bike. Try for three sets of 30 reps on each side. 3. Alternating Toe Touches: How to do: Lie on your back with your back pressed against the floor. Elevate one leg up in the air while slowly lifting your torso off the ground. U Using the opposite arm, reach over and try to touch your toe (the one that is in the air). Remember to exhale while perform this part of the exercise. Slowly begin to lower your torso and arms back down to the starting position while inhaling. Repeat the movement on the other side. Repeat the movement. Try for three sets of 30 reps on each side. 4. Mountain Climbers: How to do: Start in plank position with hands and toes on the floor. Begin by bringing the right foot towards the right elbow and switch to the other side by jumping, quickly alternating the feet in a continuous movement. 5. Scissors: How to do: Lie down flat on your back with your arms at your sides, palms pressing into the floor. You can place your hands under your pelvis if you feel the need to protect your lower back. Lift both your legs off the floor towards the ceiling, contracting the abs and pressing your lowers abs into the ground. Keeping your abs engaged and lower back on the ground, slowly lower your right leg until it’s a few inches above the floor. Then scissor your legs, lifting your right leg up while lowering your left leg. Continue alternating between your legs for 10 -12 reps per leg. 6. Hip Dips: How to do: Get down into the plank position with your abs tightened. Lower into the forearm plank by bending your elbows and coming down on your forearms. Now roll to your left side into a forearm side plank and stack your right leg over your left leg. Put your right hand on your hip. Now dip your hip towards the floor and lift back. Do 10 dips on this side and then roll to the other side and do 10 dips. 7. Side Plank With Tuck: How to do: Lie on your left side with your legs straight. Prop yourself up with your right forearm so your body forms a diagonal line. Lift hips in the air, forming a straight line from your ankles to your shoulders and brace your core. While keeping your torso stable, raise your top leg. Without changing the angle of your body, bring your top leg towards your left hand. Pause for 1 to 2 seconds and then return to the starting position. Do 10-12 repetitions before switching and repeating on the other side. 8. Butt Lift: How to do: Lie down on the floor on your back with your feet flat on the floor and knees bent. Now lift your butt up until you get a straight line from knees to shoulders. Lower down again. Do it 15-20 times. Original article and pictures take http://stylevast.com/articles/excercises-for-muffin-top/ site
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