Flab around the sides and waist is generally directly associated with overall body fat; the more fat you have, the more it accumulates around your middle. Abdominal flab is not only annoying, but also it’s unhealthy. The Mayo Clinic notes that excess belly fat can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and some cancers. Fortunately, there are several good exercises for flab on the sides and waist that will help improve your health and physique. 3 Foods to Throw Out Cut a bit of belly bloat each day, by avoiding these 3 foods nucific.com Although they’re referred to as love handles, there’s nothing to love about the excess flab at the sides of your waistline. The muscles underneath that layer of fat are known as your obliques. Although their function is to rotate your torso, it’ll take more than torso rotations to get rid of the fat. Reducing fat in one area of your body isn’t possible. Instead, focus on losing weight from your entire body, and as the fat reduces, so will the fat around your middle. Exercises for Side Fat Reduction: 1. Plank Up-Downs: This is an easy exercise. It will not only help you to get rid of love handles but also work on your upper body. It is also good for your arms. First, get into a plank position. Your arms should be straight just beneath your shoulders. Pull your abs in and squeeze your butt. 3 Foods to Throw Out Cut a bit of belly bloat each day, by avoiding these 3 foods nucific.com How To Do: Start with one arm and lower it down in plank position. Place the other arm after one arm is down. Move back to the fully extended plank by using one arm at a time. Keep your core tight. 2. Side Bridge: The side bridge is a good exercise to work the oblique muscles that lie beneath your side flab. Working and tightening these muscles will create a slimmer waistline. Lie on your right side on the floor or exercise mat. How To Do: Support your upper body on your right elbow, place your left hand on your hips, stack and extend your legs. While exhaling, contract the muscles on the right side of your abdomen to lift your hips off the floor. Pause at the top of the movement then slowly lower back to the floor. Complete 10 to 20 repetitions then repeat the exercise with your left side. 3. Heel Touches: How To Do: Lie on your back with your feet flat on the ground and your arms by your sides. Crunch up by raising your chest towards the ceiling. From here, reach for your right heel with your right hand. Then reach for your left for your left heel with your left hand. Continue alternating for a total of 15 reps per side. 4. Around the World Obliques: How To Do: Stand with your legs wider than shoulder-width apart, toes turned out just a little bit, tailbone tucked. With a very light weight in your hands (5 pounds at most—or you can even hold a pillow—just to keep anchored so you don’t feel the move in your lower back) extend arms up straight above your head as far as you can. “It should really feel like a stretch,” says Stokes. Then, bend from the hips and reach your body as far as you can to the right, hips and shoulders square forward. At the last second when you can’t reach any more, rotate toward the floor. Twist your body back to face front, exhale and pull back up to center. 5. Standing Trunk Twist: This exercise is very good for your obliques/love handles. All you need to do is to stand with your knees slightly bent and your feet should be at shoulder width. Throw your arms in front of you. Your palms should not be facing. It should look like you are about to push something. How To Do: Twist your torso to the right till your face and your hands are facing the opposite direction. Twist towards the left side. Make sure your arms punch in the air. Original article and pictures take http://stylevast.stfi.re/articles/exercises-for-side-fat-reduction/?sf=bzbylaj site
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