Iliopsoas tendonitis is a medical condition in which the iliopsoas tendon or the surrounding area gets inflamed causing pain and stiffness in the affected area. This ailment often develops in athletes, dancers, hurdlers or runners. Iliopsoas tendonitis often either results from a serious injury or overuse. In injuries, people may suffer muscle contraction of the iliopsoas. The various symptoms of Iliopsoas tendonitis may exist for several years before you get aware of the problems and consult with your doctor for its diagnosis and treatment. It is estimated that the average time taken for iliopsoas tendonitis to show some of its symptoms ranges between 32 and 41 months starting from its onset to diagnosis. Symptoms of Iliopsoas Tendonitis Pain Pain is one of the main symptoms of Iliopsoas tendonitis. You may experience the pain in the groin that often extends to the front portion of the hip and spread towards the knee. The pain in Iliopsoas tendonitis may even extend to the buttocks and the lower back. This pain increases subtly over a considerable period of time. Sometimes, when performing rigorous activities such as jogging, you may experience some amount of pain for a short while. It may also pose difficulties when you attempt to lie down on the bed or ground without nay support. Swelling Swelling also occurs as one of the symptoms of Iliopsoas tendonitis. Inflammation and increased amounts of fluids in the bursa may also occur with iliopsoas bursitis. This may develop redness or heat like sensation in the groin. Loss of Mobility Loss of mobility is also considered to be one of the most important symptoms of Iliopsoas tendonitis. This medical condition may also cause weakness in the upper part of the thigh or the hip area, when you attempt to lift your knees up. This often leads to a limp while walking or jogging. If you notice that you are facing problems in moving your knees up along with pain and swelling in the groin, then you might need to consult with your doctor, for it may be a symptom of Iliopsoas tendonitis. Hip Stiffness This medical ailment may also show signs of stiffness of the hip, groin and knees. You may experience a strange kind of tightness in the groin which may be caused due to a tightening of the iliopsoas muscle. The stiffness may also increase the pain and add to the discomfort. This may even hinder the overall quality of life. Crepituse Crepitus is the clicking or the snapping of sounds from hips that may occur as one of the main symptoms of Iliopsoas tendonitis. When the iliopsoas bursa gets inflamed or if the iliopsoas tendons catches up on the pelvis when the hip is flexed, then such sounds can be heard coming from the hip. This often leads to severe tear of the iliopsoas. However, if you may experience a complete damage of the iliopsoas, you would not be able to climb up the stairs, as it would be extremely painful. If you ever hear the snapping sounds from the groin and feel the pain and stiffness of the hip, it is recommended that you consult your doctor immediately to prevent further complications. Original article and pictures take http://www.findarthritistreatment.com/5-major-symptoms-of-iliopsoas-tendonitis/ site
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