суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.

12 Tumblr Threads That Will Make You Chuckle Gently

12 Tumblr Threads That Will Make You Chuckle Gently
12 Tumblr Threads That Will Make You Chuckle Gently

Let's be realistic - as a piece of online content, we can't go making wild claims and promises willy-nilly about guaranteeing to make you laugh or anything. I mean, we HAVE done that in the past, but if we're being totally honest with ourselves, these are simply the kinds of things we cannot ensure. Maybe a post won't quite tickle your funny-bone as much as we would have hoped - so promising to make you laugh is probably a bridge too far. So here's what we'll do: we guarantee this will make you chuckle gently. Not even necessarily an external chuckle - maybe it'll simply be an internal chuckle, and you'll send to a friend and follow-up with an "lol." This is what we feel comfortable with promising you right now. And now we'll see if we can deliver on that promise - so please, enjoy, be honest, and feel free to chuckle gently if the mood takes you! mamoru Original article and pictures take http://www.collegehumor.com/post/7045529/12-tumblr-threads-that-will-make-you-chuckle-gently site

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