суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.

​Top 5 Treatments for Hip Bursitis

​Top 5 Treatments for Hip Bursitis
​Top 5 Treatments for Hip Bursitis

Greater Trochanteric Bursitis , also known as greater trochanteric pain syndrome, is one of the most common causes of hip pain. Greater trochanteric bursitis is most common in moderately active, middle-aged females or those who have recently increased their activity level. Pain on the outside of the hip from greater trochanteric bursitis can result in a limited ability to lie on the involved side, walk, climb stairs, squat, or participate in recreational activities. To treat greater trochanteric bursitis, physical therapists typically prescribe a combination of stretching and strengthening activities to decrease irritation in the hip and utilize specific modalities to relieve pain. What is Greater Trochanteric Bursitis? Greater trochanteric bursitis is an irritation of the bursa, a fluid-filled sac that sits on top of the greater trochanter, the bony prominence on the outside of the hip bone (femur). The bursa acts as a cushion which decreases friction between the outside of the hip bone and muscles attaching to the hip bone. Greater trochanteric bursitis results when the bursa on the outside of the hip becomes irritated. Greater trochanteric bursitis may result from a combination of several different variables, including: Iliotibial (IT) band tightness (a thick band of tissue that runs along the outside of the leg from the pelvis to the knee) Hip muscle tightness or weakness Abnormal hip or knee structure or mechanics Improper technique with repetitive activities Change in an exercise routine or sport activity 5 treatments for Greater Trochanteric Bursitis Physical therapy treatment for Greater trochanteric bursitis is designed to reduce irritation, pain, strengthen and stretch the muscles of the hip. Treatment will utilize a number of different methods to achieve these goals. Manual therapy: The physical therapist may apply hands-on treatments to move the muscles and joints in order to improve their motion and strength, most likely in the back or hip. Muscular strengthening: Muscular weaknesses or imbalances can result in excessive strain at the greater trochanter. The physical therapist will design a safe, individualized, progressive resistance program including the core (midsection) and lower extremity. Ultrasound: Therapeutic Ultrasound is a form of deep heating in which sound waves are applied to the skin and penetrate the soft tissue. Ultrasound is especially helpful in relieving acute pain and may increase tissue healing. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS): TENS unitsuse electrical stimulation to modulate the sensation of low back pain by overriding the painful signals that are sent to the brain. Kinesio tape: Kinesio taping is a form of sports taping that encourages the lymphatic and circulatory systems to flow and work efficiently through the specific placement of strips of Kinesio tape which aids in reducing pain and swelling. When applied correctly to the hip area, kinesio tape can increase stability in the joint and support the surrounding muscles ready for daily activities. Hip pain is fairly common in the United States, with 1 in 4 Americans suffering from chronic hip pain at some point in their life. Pain in the hip can lead to disability, increase a patient’s fall risk, and eventually lead to the need for a hip replacement. 300,000 hip replacements are performed in the United States each year, while hip fractures are the most detrimental of fractures, associated with 20% mortality rate and 50% permanent loss of function. It’s important for patients to seek treatment for hip pain as soon as the pain begins to keep them functional and maintain their quality of life as they age. For more information about physical therapy and popular modalities please see our blog at ProHealthcareProducts.com. Original article and pictures take http://www.prohealthcareproducts.com/blog/top-5-treatments-for-hip-bursitis/ site

#3 Most Common Cause of Hip Pain - Rectus Femoris Origin Strain

#3 Most Common Cause of Hip Pain - Rectus Femoris Origin Strain
#3 Most Common Cause of Hip Pain - Rectus Femoris Origin Strain

Want to be featured on our Podcast with your question? Leave a voicemail at: http://www.P2SportsCare.com/Voicemail 714-502-4243 21 Best Hip Mobility Drills: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEMc3... Other Hip Injuries for Runners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeBn9... rectus femoris pain, anterior thigh pain with running, rectus femoris treatment, rectus femoris therapy, stretch for rectus femoris, stretch for front of hip, anterior groin pain with running, hip pain from running, hip pain, it band hip pain, left hip pain, hip pain treatment, hip bone pain, hip pain symptoms, hip muscle pain, arthritis hip pain, hip pain causes, hip pain relief, rectus femoris, rectus femoris injury, rectus femoris muscle, rectus femoris tear Most runners at one time or another will experience hip pain when running, as most as if it aches into the joint or the groin. The pain may get worse as you run and when your all done, you ice it and think with a good night’s rest it will be gone… hopefully. Unfortunately some runners aren’t so lucky. When you wake up you might feel pain with simple tasks, even putting on your shoes. I have had this and I defeated it. The trick is you have to know what you are dealing with in the first place when it come to hip pain when running. What are some Signs and Symptoms of Hip Flexor Tendonitis (hip pain when running)? Pain on the front of the hip around the groin Pain with long strides, putting on shoes, walking stairs, standing from a sitting position Pain with quick hip flexion Slow onset Pain increases with activity Possible radiation to knee How do I know if I have Hip Flexor Tendonitis (hip pain when running)? X-ray’s will rule out if there is a problem in the joint Definitive answer is an MRI Physical Exam by a Medical Professional What causes Hip Flexor Tendonitis (hip pain when running)? Overuse Acute Trauma Strain during eccentric contractions Who gets Hip Flexor Tendonitis (hip pain when running)? Runners Triathletes Cyclists Baseball players Hockey players Soccer players What are some common treatments for Hip Flexor Tendonitis (hip pain when running)? Rest Stretching Ice Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory medications Active Release Technique® Corticosteroid Injection Massage Platelet Rich Plasma How does P2 Sports Care treat Hip Flexor Tendonitis? First you must understand how inflammation of the tendon could occur. Many times when tissues in the body become overused they have a tendency of developing small tears from micro-trauma. The tendon of the hip flexor is no exception. These tears within tendons and other soft tissues fill up with scar tissue overtime. This scar tissue is not as flexible and resilient as normal tendinous tissue and as a result can tear again easily and the cycle will continue, thus leading to the development of a repetitive stress injury. This is how hip pain when running can become chronic. At P2 Sports Care we believe much of the RICE method can be done at home when the injury is acute (fresh). However, rarely do we consider Hip Flexor Tendonitis as an acute or traumatic injury. When most people feel pain in the hip region it has actually had a “silent” problem for months, so it is perfect for our type of treatment. This condition normally responds quickly to types of treatment which focus on removing scar tissue, such as Active Release® and Graston. Careful palpation of the area may in fact reveal the problem is not of the primary hip flexor tendon (psoas tendon) at all, but rather from tendonitis of other structures. The rectus femoris, obturator externus, pectineus, sartorius and the anterior portion of the hip capsule can be the primary structures causing hip pain when running of similar in presentation. If you have a provider with skilled palpation skills, the exact structure is not hard to locate. We focus on a systematic approach to improving the health of the problematic tendons/ muscles and give instructions for prevention of re-injury. Original article and pictures take http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUhkpIceTnM site

@HealthHabits - Fitspiration Pictures — A little Fitspiration for YOUR Fitness - p.s. -...

@HealthHabits - Fitspiration Pictures — A little Fitspiration for YOUR Fitness - p.s. -...

Original article and pictures take http://fitspiration-pictures.tumblr.com/post/76119312737/a-little-fitspiration-for-your-fitness-p-s site

[TKR] Pain Under Knee and Medial Side...Six Weeks Out!

[TKR] Pain Under Knee and Medial Side...Six Weeks Out!

Diclofenac is an NSAID (whether as oral Voltaren, generic oral diclofenac, Voltaren gel or Flector patches). For me, the problem with NSAIDs was when I was taking them prophylactically for arthritis pain when glucosamine & chondroitin didn’t seem to work and the COX-2 inhibitor Vioxx was pulled off the market (Bextra and Celebrex didn’t seem to work). COX-2 inhibitors are a form of NSAID that is a bit gentler on the GI tract but still not innocuous. I'd discovered Vioxx during the last years of my perimenopause when I had severe dysmenorrhea and menorrhagea, and it was the only thing that held the cramps at bay until menopause finally occurred. I took Aleve as my painkiller of choice, and pretty much BID regardless of symptoms. Bad idea. Push came to shove after 9 months of taking the “Bonesmart Cocktail” of ibuprofen and acetaminophen on a regular basis after my RTKR--I kept getting rejected for blood donation due to mild anemia, and my FP ordered an upper endoscopy to see if my GERD had morphed into a GI bleed. Instead, the diagnosis was a “small GI lesion of chemical origin:” basically NSAID abuse. I was ordered off oral NSAIDs in April of 2013, and told to use the topical ones sparingly. My last set of blood tests showed no more anemia. So I have developed a healthy respect for NSAIDs. I was told I could take them only when absolutely necessary, and for no longer than necessary. So this episode of bursitis, according to the ortho clinic, counts as “necessary.” As soon as I can go 12 hrs. without full return of symptoms I will discontinue the Aleve and return to either the time-release acetaminophen or icing as needed. I'm lucky--as long as I’ve been on an angiotensin receptor blocker (since 1992), I’ve been normotensive regardless of whether I’ve been taking NSAIDs. Original article and pictures take https://bonesmart.org/forum/threads/pain-under-knee-and-medial-side-six-weeks-out.25667/ site

“But then on One Beautiful Spring Day, Everything Changed!”

“But then on One Beautiful Spring Day, Everything Changed!”

Looking for a Permanent Remedy for Bow Legs - Without the Need for Surgery? Read on to discover exactly what you need to do to fix your bow legs once and for all, and enjoy perfectly straight and attractive legs for the rest of your life! Do you suffer from bow legs or knock knees? Are you self-conscious about your malformed legs? Has the condition been affecting your confidence and self-esteem? Are you fed up of being embarrassed by your legs, and just want to be the same as everyone else? Have you always wondered if there was something you could do to straighten your bow legs or knock knees, which didn't involve taking on the risks and expense of surgery? Are you worried that by not doing anything about your condition now might lead to joint-related problems, like arthritis, in the future? If you answered “YES” to any of those questions, then you're in exactly the right place... Get the perfectly straight, attractive and shapely legs you've always wanted. Feel happy and proud of your legs for the first time in your life. Improve your walk and posture. Boost your confidence and self-esteem. Do the things you've always wanted to do, like running around on the beach in shorts, without having to worry about what people are thinking. Wear the kind of clothes you've always wanted to wear - but never could! Receive the RIGHT kind of attention from the opposite sex (now they'll be staring at your legs for all the right reasons!) Straighten and tone your legs at the same time (Yes, this really is possible. You'll have toned, lean thighs and a firm bum in no time!) Prevent the development of joint-related diseases like arthritis, which can often afflict people with leg curvatures. And say goodbye to crooked, bow legs FOREVER! To determine whether or not you have bow legs, knock knees, or any other kind of curvature, take a look at the following images... IMAGE A: This is the way your legs should look. As you can see, your knees and ankles should be touching when you stand up, and four separate windows should be formed, which should be between the foot and the ankle, above the ankle, directly under the knee, and above the knee in the lower part of the thighs. IMAGE B: This is a typical example of bow legs, and is otherwise known as the ‘O-shaped curvature'. This is because only the ankles are touching, which creates a shape that resembles the letter ‘o'. IMAGE C: This is known as an X-shaped curvature, or ‘knock-knees', because the knees are typically touching when standing, but the ankles are kept apart, which creates a shape that resembles the letter ‘x'. So, do you recognize your own legs in either image B or C? But before I reveal exactly what you need to do to straighten your bow legs or knock knees without the need for invasive and dangerous surgery, I'd first like to introduce myself. Because it's important that you know who I am, and why I'm the person to help you... Hi, my name is Sarah Brown, and I suffered from bow legs (otherwise known as Genu Varum) for 26 years. Today, I'm a happy and confident woman with (as my husband of 9 years says) beautiful, shapely legs! But it wasn't always this way... From a very early age, I suffered from bow legs, and it was a condition that affected my life hugely - in a very negative way. I'll never forget the first time that someone noticed my legs. I was in the girls' locker room getting ready for my swimming lesson at school, when a girl called Rebecca took one look at me and shouted out: From then, I became known as “the girl with bent legs” And it was horrible. As the years rolled by, I became incredibly self-conscious. My confidence and self-esteem sank lower and lower, because I thought there was something wrong with me. I became withdrawn, and tried everything I could to avoid swimming lessons, or any kind of situation where my legs would be on show - and I got into lots of trouble with my teachers because of it. Desperate to fix my bow legs and just be normal like everyone else, I pleaded with my parents to take me to a Doctor, to see if there was anything that could be done. Unfortunately, the Doctor said there was nothing he could do - and that I'd just have to deal with it. I did, to a certain extent, and got on with my life. But my teens and early adult years were dominated by a feeling of embarrassment and shame, and a desire to ‘cover up', because I absolutely hated my legs. And unlike all of my friends, I never wore short skirts or shorts. After injuring my back in a horse riding accident, I visited a physiotherapist, who took one look at me, and said, “I know exactly what you need to do to fix that!” He wasn't talking about my back problem. He was talking about my legs! He went onto to explain that while at a conference, he'd met a Japanese Orthopaedic Surgeon called Suri who had taken on a test group of 34 subjects, 21 with bow legs, and 13 with knock knees. And the results she'd achieved for her patients had been incredible. Apparently Suri had already seen the complications and long-term damage that surgery had caused many of her patients with these two conditions, and she didn't want to rely on it anymore. “Surgery was an absolute last resort”, she thought. “There had to be a better way”. And there was. So she set out on the search for a safer alternative. And after years of research, working with a variety of patients, she developed a system that could be used to safely and PERMANENTLY straighten bow legs and knock knees. So how did I get hold of this system? Well, my physiotherapist contacted Suri, who was then kind enough to send me a copy of all of her research, including the specific system that she'd developed. Excited that there might be a solution to my bow legs after all, I followed Suri's system religiously. And I was able to straighten my bow legs for good! I simply couldn't believe what was happening... A set of surprisingly simple exercises had transformed my life, and given me the straight, shapely and beautiful legs I'd always wanted, but never thought were possible. And because I don't want you to go through the same pain, embarrassment and loss of confidence that I went through, I decided to collate all of the information and exercises into one easy-to-follow program, and make everything I've discovered available to you. INTRODUCING... A permanent remedy for bow legs and knocked knees without surgery. What is Bow Legs No More™? Bow Legs No More™ is for anyone who suffers from embarrassment, discomfort or low self-esteem brought on by having bow legs or knock knees. This comprehensive step-by-step program is easy to follow, regardless of experience, age or gender. Used by thousands throughout the world with dramatic results, Bow Legs No More™ will allow you to naturally and safely straighten your bow legs or knock knees, and give you the toned and beautiful legs you've always wanted - just as I've done! “It's called Bow Legs No More™, but will it work for my knock knees?” Yes! I've called it Bow Legs No More™ because this is the most common term to describe cases of leg curvature, but this system can be used for all kinds of curvatures, such as knock knees! How to Easily Straighten your legs, and do it all from the comfort of your own home! What NOT TO DO when trying to fix your bow legs or knock knees (hundreds and even thousands of people all over the world try this, only to end up in agony and with zero results) The reasons why people have bow legs and knocked knees, and what to do to avoid this condition altogether. The top most efficient exercises you need to know about to correct your condition, whether you have an ‘o' curvature (bow legs), or an ‘x' curvature (knock knees) How to strengthen, tone and define your leg muscles to support the process and accelerate your journey towards your perfect legs! My proven formula for measuring and tracking your progress. Why exercising alone is NOT the quickest route to perfect legs! And much, much more! Now, you may have been advised that surgery is the only option for your condition. But let me tell you a few things that the Doctors probably won't... DANGER 1: Most surgical procedures for correcting leg curvatures involve removing a piece of tibia, breaking the fibula and straightening out the bone. Patients frequently experience pain and discomfort once the general anaesthetic has worn off. DANGER 2: There are no guarantees that the broken bone will heal properly - so you could end up spending thousands, only to get a whole new set of problems! DANGER 3: is always a possibility of bone infection. This is called osteomyelitis, and is caused by bacteria that enters the body through the open wound. DANGER 4: There is also the possibility of nerve damage, which can cause a patient to lose feeling in their lower leg, or in extreme cases - the entire leg. DANGER 5: After surgery, many patients are barely able to move for 2-3 months. You'll be expected to stay in bed with metal clamps on your legs, which can result in weight gain, partial muscle atrophy and you'll obviously need to take this time off work - which most employees won't allow! And after that, you're faced with months of rehabilitation. DANGER 6: With most surgical procedures, patients are left with unsightly scarring (pictured), which can be even more embarrassing and painful to look at than the bow legs or knock knees themselves! DANGER 7: The final danger you face with surgery is a financial one. The cost of surgery for leg curvatures begins at around $10,000, and can rise to as much as $30,000! So, are you still interested in expensive, painful and potentially dangerous surgery? You would? Great! So the next question you're probably asking yourself is this... Well, before I answer that, let me first ask you a question. How much would you pay to have perfectly straight, slender and beautifully toned legs? How much would you pay to finally say goodbye to the embarrassment of having bow legs or knock knees? How much would you pay to be confident once again, and have so much pride in your legsthat you're desperate to show them off to the world? Would you pay $20,000 to achieve such transformational and life-changing results? What about $10,000? That's an absolute bargain, right? I know I would have paid $10,000 to feel the way I do now, after putting these techniques into practice. Or perhaps you'd rather spend $10,000 - $30,000 on a surgical procedure that may or MAY NOT work?! Well don't worry, because I'm not going to ask you to spend anything like that kind of money! Because I genuinely want to help you... I know EXACTLY what it's like to suffer the embarrassment and shame of bow legs, and I don't want you to feel that way any longer. JUST $37 to get your hands on a permanent remedy for leg curvatures that has been proven to work time and time again for hundreds and thousands of patients right across the world. Incredible, huh?! And the best thing, you don't even need to step outside your front door to benefit from it!That's why this is such a no-brainer. But that's not all... To show you that I'm genuine, and that I really do want to help you,I'm going to sweeten the deal EVEN FURTHER, by including the following... My Rock-Solid 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee! If you're not satisfied with your order, you don't pay! It's as simple as that... That's right, if for ANY reason you're not 100% satisfied with Bow Legs No More™, or you simply change your mind, then all you need to do is send me an email (address provided with your order) within 60 days of your investment and I will refund every single penny, with no questions asked, and no hard feelings! These techniques have been proven to work time and time again, so I'm more than happy to put my money where my mouth is, and provide this rock-solid 60-day money-back guarantee, so that you can put Bow Legs No More™ to the test in your own time, and at absolutely no financial risk to yourself whatsoever. So go ahead and order today, and try out Bow Legs No More™ for a full 60 days, on me... You risk absolutely NOTHING! And you have 3 choices... CHOICE #1: You can continue on as you are, hating your legs, embarrassed by them and hiding them away for the rest of your life. And let's face it, do you really want to do that? After all, this condition has affected your confidence and self-esteem for most of your life. Plus, NOT doing anything about it could lead to painful joint problems like arthritis in later life. Is it really worth the risk? CHOICE #2: You can opt for a surgical procedure to fix the problem. But remember, by choosing this option you're running the risk of all sorts of complications, months of rehabilitation, and at the end of it, there's absolutely no guarantee that they'll even be able to straighten your legs! And what's more, you'll need anything from $10,000 - $30,000 just to afford it! CHOICE #3: Or you can take the safe Option. The only option. And invest in Bow Legs No More™ - the permanent remedy for bow legs and knocked knees without surgery.. So I urge you to make the right decision... To make the best investment you will ever make... An investment in yourself, and your future happiness. Best Wishes, Creator of Bow Legs No More™ P.S. Remember, this is the EXACT same step-by-step and proven program that was shown to me by an Orthopaedic Surgeon who had researched the condition and spent huge amounts of time testing and trialling these techniques on 34 patients - with incredible results! And this very same program has now been used by hundreds and thousands of people all over the world to replicate these results for themselves - and transform their lives. And all you need to do to get the same results yourself is follow the program! P.P.S. Please bear in mind that the price of Bow Legs No More™ is incredibly low, and has been deliberately kept low to help as many people as possible. However, I cannot guarantee that the price will remain this low on a permanent basis. So if you come back tomorrow and the price has changed to $77, $97 or more, you have been warned! P.P.P.S. Also, don't forget that whenyou order Bow Legs No More™ you're fully protected by my rock-solid 60-day money-back guarantee. This means that should you change your mind for ANY reason at all within that period, you are entitled to a full and prompt refund, with no questions asked. You risk absolutely NOTHING! Original article and pictures take http://bowlegsnews.blogspot.com.co/ site

“Easy to Follow Knee Injury Exercises to to End Your Knee Injury For Life!”

“Easy to Follow Knee Injury Exercises to to End Your Knee Injury For Life!”

A Step-by-Step Knee Program Program that will Finally Help Decrease Pain, Improve Range of Motion and Strengthen Your Knees for Good! $55 $27 Dear Knee Injury Suffer, If you are interested in overcoming your knee injury and preventing a future knee injury with fast, simple and effective exercises that most fitness & health professionals don’t know about, then read this important letter. Here’s Why: My name is Rick Kaselj. Over the last 15 years I’ve worked with literally 1000’s of people with injuries as an exercise therapist with a specialization in knee injuries. Many people with knee injuries would come to me after trying everything else. When I would meet with them, they worried about if the pain would go away, if they would get the movement back in their knee, how they could strengthen their knee, will their knees get strong gain, can they get that stability back in their knees and if I could help them prevent a knee injury from occuring again. I said I could. I’ve developed the Knee Injury Solution based on helping those clients with a knee injuries. Knee Injury Solution is designed to help you decrease knee pain, improve knee movement, strengthen your knee, increase range of motion, increase balance and prevent a future knee injury. Knee Injury Solution is a combination of 6 years of University study (including a Master’s Degree in Exercise Science), 15 years of hands-on experience and 1000s of personal training session and careful scrutiny of 62 medical research papers. “Included them in My Warm Ups Prior to my Exercise Program” “I like the fact that the exercises are feasible and do work for select injuries, I have been including them in my warm ups prior to my exercise program. The program is a good general knee strengthening program to assist young athletes or post surgery/injury patients with getting their knees back to health.” Randy Shannon Academic Advisor for Northern Arizona University / Athlete / Coach Flagstaff, Arizona Here are the Benefits of The Knee Injury Solution Program: 9 exercises that you can do to fend off knee pain A quick 10 minute workout that you can do anywhere to make your knees stronger Videos with easy to understand descriptions of each of the exercises Exercises to do in order to increase knee movement, range of motion and decrease pain after knee surgery A comprehensive guide with photos and descriptions to help you do the exercises right A guide for those with knee pain due to an ACL injury so they have a better understanding of their injury Print out ready workout sheets you can take with you and track the exercises you have done Helping you get injury and pain-free, Rick Kaselj, MS Author of The Knee Injury Solution P.S. – There is NO RISK at all for you when you try the Knee Injury Solution Program. If you are not thrilled how this program helps your knee injury by decreasing pain, improving range of motion increasing knee strength, improving movement and having your knees feel more stable, let me know and I will refund your order. Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. Rick Kaselj has been trusted by the largest fitness & rehabilitation associations in from around the world (ACE, NSCA, NASM, CanFitPro, BCRPA, BCAK, CKA, NHPC). P.P.S. – If you are sick and tired of of not knowing what exercises will help you overcome your knee injury then use Knee Injury Solution to help you out. The program has step-by-step descriptions, photos and videos that will take you through what you need to do to end your knee injury. P.P.P.S. – There’s only one catch to all this. You need to act now to get the premium package. People have been asking to get the workouts idividually so I will be breaking up the program soon and selling each of the components for a least $29 each. Order now so you don’t miss out on the great knee injury package deal! Feel free to contact us via support(at)ExercisesForInjuries.com . For fastest assistance please include your Clickbank order number, the email you ordered with, your full name and date of purchase.. NOTE: – Knee Injury Solution is a downloadable manuls and videos. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the manuals and videos. The ebooks are in the format of adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC. The video format is M4V which can be viewed on Mac or PC. Original article and pictures take http://sns.china168.info/link.php?url=http://0ab66nwhjo6r3of8y0oimq1pej.hop.clickbank.net/ site

“I did, I pulled a groin muscle running and jumping in the forest.” -on filming Robot Overlords (

“I did, I pulled a groin muscle running and jumping in the forest.” -on filming Robot Overlords (

“I did, I pulled a groin muscle running and jumping in the forest.” -on filming Robot Overlords (x) Original article and pictures take http://aviewerlikeyou.tumblr.com/post/126731309354/i-did-i-pulled-a-groin-muscle-running-and site